我是Java初学者,正在尝试使用IntelliJ运行我的代码,我刚刚将它安装为JDK 1.7的IDE。下面这段代码甚至不能编译,并不断给我错误:

Error: Could not find or load main class libTest


import java.lang.Integer;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.System;
import java.util.*;

class book {

    private String name = "trial";
    private int bookCode=1;
    private int issued=0;

     public void Issue(){
         if(issued==0) {
             System.out.println("You have succesfully issued the book");
         else {
             System.out.println("The book is already issued. Please contact the librarian for further details");

    public int checkCode() {
        return bookCode;

    String readName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String newName){

    public void setBookCode(int newCode){

class library {
    private ArrayList books=new ArrayList();

    public void getList(){
        for(int bk:books){
            String bName=books(bk).readName();
            System.out.println((bk+1)+")  "+bName);

public class libTest{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        library newLib= new library();
        System.out.println("code working");





最后,我尝试遵循本教程和几个步骤,尝试了一些没有描述的东西,并修复了问题: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/creating-and-managing-modules.html


进入文件|项目结构,或按Crtl+Shift+Alt+S 在Project Settings部分下选择Modules。 在Sources选项卡中单击“Mark as:”行上的Sources。 单击Apply按钮。




我们在文件/项目结构.. 答案可能是:

表示为“content root”的文件夹需要一个代码所在的子文件夹。 另外,找到将代码标记为排除和不排除的按钮。 不要与表示排除而不说明在哪个阶段和什么**的复选框混淆 是编译器排除还是运行时排除?你注定要接受考验和抽签。 所以没有那个复选框,只有图标和颜色。

作为一个想法,我们需要破解它最初被认为是如何工作的。他们从来没有把它放在第一位,并开始以过早的编码方式添加东西。 已经这么多年了,你不能指望有任何改善。 但作为治疗,我们可以想出一些方法,让它每次都正确。

I am working with Kotlin but am guessing the problem is the same. I would start a project, create a single file and add main to it and the IDE couldn't find the main. I tried the things in this list and none worked. I finally mentioned my frustration on one of the IntelliJ pages and was contacted. Of course, it worked fine for IntelliJ. After a couple of days back and forth, I noticed that the highlight function wasn't working and mentioned that. It turned out something was wrong with the IDE settings. I still don't know specifically what was wrong but the fix in my case was to reset the IDE settings. File->Manage IDE Settings->Restore Default settings. After this, the green triangle start icon became visible to the left of my main function and things continued to work normally for subsequent projects. Thanks to Konstantin at JetBrain's support for his patience.

Goto File->使缓存失效并重新启动。 否则删除rm -rf .idea *.iml 并重新启动InteliJ


我从其他地方继承了一堆. java文件,不知道如何让它们在任何IDE中工作。最终,我不得不转到Main.JAVA文件所在的命令行,运行javac Main.JAVA。这创建了一堆. class文件。然后IDE就能够弄清楚要做什么。