
string raw = "...";
var lines = (from l in raw.Split('\n')
             let ll = l.Trim()
             where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ll)
             select ll).ToList();



我疯了吗?我是否应该调用ToArray() -在知道内存不会被分配两次的情况下安全可靠?




但是,我一直在使用Reflector查看System.Linq.Enumerable扩展名称空间中的方法,并注意到一个非常常见的优化。 只要可能,IEnumerable<T>源就转换为IList<T>或ICollection<T>来优化方法。例如,查看ElementAt(int)。







IList<int> source = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToArray();  // try changing to .ToList()

foreach (var x in source)
  if (x == 5)
    source[8] *= 100;




Note that I declared the local variable source as an IList<int>. In that way I make sure the C# compiler does not optimze the foreach statement into something which is equivalent to a for (var idx = 0; idx < source.Length; idx++) { /* ... */ } loop. This is something the C# compiler might do if I use var source = ...; instead. In my current version of the .NET framework the actual enumerator used here is a non-public reference-type System.SZArrayHelper+SZGenericArrayEnumerator`1[System.Int32] but of course this is an implementation detail.





在这种情况下,底层枚举器是公共可变值类型System. collections . generic . list ' 1+ enumerator [System. collections . generic . list]。Int32](在这种情况下,在IEnumerator<int>框内,因为我使用IList<int>)。

综上所述,List<T>生成的枚举数跟踪列表在枚举过程中是否发生变化,而T[]生成的枚举数则没有。因此,在. tolist()和. toarray()之间进行选择时,请考虑此差异。

人们经常添加一个额外的. toarray()或. tolist()来绕过一个在枚举器的生命周期内跟踪它是否被修改的集合。

(如果有人想知道List<>如何跟踪集合是否被修改,这个类中有一个私有字段_version,每当List<>被更新时,它都会被更改。实际上可以通过简单地删除索引器public T this[int index]的set访问器中增加_version的行来改变List<>的这种行为,就像最近在Dictionary<,>中所做的那样,如另一个答案所述。)


They both suck when they created using linq. They both implement same code to resize buffer if necessary. ToArray internally uses a class to convert IEnumerable<> to array, by allocating an array of 4 elements. If that is not enough than it doubles the size by creating a new array double the size of current and copying current array to it. At the end it allocates a new array of count of your items. If your query returns 129 elements then ToArray will make 6 allocations and memory copy operations to create a 256 element array and than am another array of 129 to return. so much for memory efficiency.




如果在创建List时指定capacity参数,则它的初始化分配可以更好。在这种情况下,它将只分配数组一次,假设您知道结果大小。linq的ToList没有指定重载来提供它,因此我们必须创建扩展方法,该方法创建一个具有给定容量的列表,然后使用list <>. addrange。


At the end, you can use either an ToArray, or ToList, performance will not be so different ( see answer of @EMP ). You are using C#. If you need performance then do not worry about writing about high performance code, but worry about not writing bad performance code. Always target x64 for high performance code. AFAIK, x64 JIT is based on C++ compiler, and does some funny things like tail recursion optimizations. With 4.5 you can also enjoy the profile guided optimization and multi core JIT. At last, you can use async/await pattern to process it quicker.


/* This is a benchmarking template I use in LINQPad when I want to do a
 * quick performance test. Just give it a couple of actions to test and
 * it will give you a pretty good idea of how long they take compared
 * to one another. It's not perfect: You can expect a 3% error margin
 * under ideal circumstances. But if you're not going to improve
 * performance by more than 3%, you probably don't care anyway.*/
void Main()
    // Enter setup code here
    var values = Enumerable.Range(1, 100000)
        .Select(i => i.ToString())
        .Select(i => i);
    var actions = new[]
        new TimedAction("ToList", () =>
        new TimedAction("ToArray", () =>
        new TimedAction("Control", () =>
            foreach (var element in values)
                // do nothing
        // Add tests as desired
    const int TimesToRun = 1000; // Tweak this as necessary
    TimeActions(TimesToRun, actions);

#region timer helper methods
// Define other methods and classes here
public void TimeActions(int iterations, params TimedAction[] actions)
    Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
    int length = actions.Length;
    var results = new ActionResult[actions.Length];
    // Perform the actions in their initial order.
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        var action = actions[i];
        var result = results[i] = new ActionResult { Message = action.Message };
        // Do a dry run to get things ramped up/cached
        result.DryRun1 = s.Time(action.Action, 10);
        result.FullRun1 = s.Time(action.Action, iterations);
    // Perform the actions in reverse order.
    for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        var action = actions[i];
        var result = results[i];
        // Do a dry run to get things ramped up/cached
        result.DryRun2 = s.Time(action.Action, 10);
        result.FullRun2 = s.Time(action.Action, iterations);

public class ActionResult
    public string Message { get; set; }
    public double DryRun1 { get; set; }
    public double DryRun2 { get; set; }
    public double FullRun1 { get; set; }
    public double FullRun2 { get; set; }

public class TimedAction
    public TimedAction(string message, Action action)
        Message = message;
        Action = action;
    public string Message { get; private set; }
    public Action Action { get; private set; }

public static class StopwatchExtensions
    public static double Time(this Stopwatch sw, Action action, int iterations)
        for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)

        return sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;




当处理较小的数组时,差异就不那么显著了。 在处理整型而不是字符串时,这种差异不太显著。 使用大型结构体而不是字符串通常会花费更多的时间,但并不会真正改变比例。


除非您的代码经常生成许多大型数据列表,否则不太可能注意到性能上的差异。(当创建1000个包含100K字符串的列表时,只有200ms的差异。) ToList()始终运行得更快,如果不打算长时间保留结果,那么它是一个更好的选择。


@JonHanna指出,根据Select的实现,ToList()或ToArray()实现可以提前预测结果集合的大小。将上面代码中的. select (i => i)替换为Where(i => true)会产生非常相似的结果,并且更有可能这样做,而不管. net实现如何。












public class Benchmarks
    [Params(0, 1, 6, 10, 42, 100, 1337, 10000)]
    public int Count { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<int> Items => Enumerable.Range(0, Count).Where(i => i > 0);

    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public int[] ToArray() => Items.ToArray();

    public List<int> ToList() => Items.ToList();

结果证实,在大多数情况下,ToList要快10% - 15%。

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.1, OS=Windows 10.0.22000
Intel Core i9-10885H CPU 2.40GHz, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK=6.0.302
  [Host]     : .NET 6.0.7 (6.0.722.32202), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.7 (6.0.722.32202), X64 RyuJIT

|  Method | Count |         Mean |      Error |     StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD |   Gen 0 |  Gen 1 | Allocated |
|-------- |------ |-------------:|-----------:|-----------:|------:|--------:|--------:|-------:|----------:|
| ToArray |     0 |     29.73 ns |   0.546 ns |   0.536 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0067 |      - |      56 B |
|  ToList |     0 |     31.51 ns |   0.485 ns |   0.405 ns |  1.06 |    0.02 |  0.0105 |      - |      88 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |     1 |     37.36 ns |   0.314 ns |   0.294 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0114 |      - |      96 B |
|  ToList |     1 |     36.75 ns |   0.605 ns |   0.537 ns |  0.98 |    0.01 |  0.0153 |      - |     128 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |     6 |    100.05 ns |   1.522 ns |   1.349 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0286 |      - |     240 B |
|  ToList |     6 |     85.16 ns |   0.808 ns |   0.756 ns |  0.85 |    0.01 |  0.0267 |      - |     224 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |    10 |    137.20 ns |   2.766 ns |   2.452 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0372 |      - |     312 B |
|  ToList |    10 |    123.05 ns |   2.198 ns |   1.949 ns |  0.90 |    0.01 |  0.0372 |      - |     312 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |    42 |    398.25 ns |   6.583 ns |   5.836 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0877 |      - |     736 B |
|  ToList |    42 |    352.04 ns |   4.976 ns |   4.411 ns |  0.88 |    0.02 |  0.0887 |      - |     744 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |   100 |    730.80 ns |   6.501 ns |   6.081 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.1488 |      - |   1,248 B |
|  ToList |   100 |    705.49 ns |   9.947 ns |   9.305 ns |  0.97 |    0.01 |  0.1526 |      - |   1,280 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray |  1337 |  8,023.57 ns | 147.388 ns | 137.867 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  1.6785 | 0.0458 |  14,056 B |
|  ToList |  1337 |  7,980.27 ns | 138.469 ns | 122.749 ns |  1.00 |    0.02 |  1.9989 | 0.1221 |  16,736 B |
|         |       |              |            |            |       |         |         |        |           |
| ToArray | 10000 | 57,037.19 ns | 510.492 ns | 452.538 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 | 12.6343 | 1.7700 | 106,280 B |
|  ToList | 10000 | 57,728.15 ns | 583.353 ns | 517.127 ns |  1.01 |    0.01 | 15.5640 | 5.1270 | 131,496 B |



现在已经是2020年了,每个人都在使用。net Core 3.1,所以我决定用Benchmark.NET运行一些基准测试。

TL;DR: ToArray()在性能方面更好,如果不打算改变集合,则可以更好地传达意图。


    public class Benchmarks
        [Params(0, 1, 6, 10, 39, 100, 666, 1000, 1337, 10000)]
        public int Count { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<int> Items => Enumerable.Range(0, Count);
        [Benchmark(Description = "ToArray()", Baseline = true)]
        public int[] ToArray() => Items.ToArray();
        [Benchmark(Description = "ToList()")]
        public List<int> ToList() => Items.ToList();
        public static void Main() => BenchmarkRunner.Run<Benchmarks>();


    BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.0, OS=Windows 10.0.14393.3443 (1607/AnniversaryUpdate/Redstone1)
    Intel Core i5-4460 CPU 3.20GHz (Haswell), 1 CPU, 4 logical and 4 physical cores
    Frequency=3124994 Hz, Resolution=320.0006 ns, Timer=TSC
    .NET Core SDK=3.1.100
      [Host]     : .NET Core 3.1.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.56402, CoreFX 4.700.19.56404), X64 RyuJIT
      DefaultJob : .NET Core 3.1.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.56402, CoreFX 4.700.19.56404), X64 RyuJIT
    |    Method | Count |          Mean |       Error |      StdDev |        Median | Ratio | RatioSD |   Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated |
    |---------- |------ |--------------:|------------:|------------:|--------------:|------:|--------:|--------:|------:|------:|----------:|
    | ToArray() |     0 |      7.357 ns |   0.2096 ns |   0.1960 ns |      7.323 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |       - |     - |     - |         - |
    |  ToList() |     0 |     13.174 ns |   0.2094 ns |   0.1958 ns |     13.084 ns |  1.79 |    0.05 |  0.0102 |     - |     - |      32 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |     1 |     23.917 ns |   0.4999 ns |   0.4676 ns |     23.954 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0229 |     - |     - |      72 B |
    |  ToList() |     1 |     33.867 ns |   0.7350 ns |   0.6876 ns |     34.013 ns |  1.42 |    0.04 |  0.0331 |     - |     - |     104 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |     6 |     28.242 ns |   0.5071 ns |   0.4234 ns |     28.196 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0280 |     - |     - |      88 B |
    |  ToList() |     6 |     43.516 ns |   0.9448 ns |   1.1949 ns |     42.896 ns |  1.56 |    0.06 |  0.0382 |     - |     - |     120 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |    10 |     31.636 ns |   0.5408 ns |   0.4516 ns |     31.657 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0331 |     - |     - |     104 B |
    |  ToList() |    10 |     53.870 ns |   1.2988 ns |   2.2403 ns |     53.415 ns |  1.77 |    0.07 |  0.0433 |     - |     - |     136 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |    39 |     58.896 ns |   0.9441 ns |   0.8369 ns |     58.548 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.0713 |     - |     - |     224 B |
    |  ToList() |    39 |    138.054 ns |   2.8185 ns |   3.2458 ns |    138.937 ns |  2.35 |    0.08 |  0.0815 |     - |     - |     256 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |   100 |    119.167 ns |   1.6195 ns |   1.4357 ns |    119.120 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.1478 |     - |     - |     464 B |
    |  ToList() |   100 |    274.053 ns |   5.1073 ns |   4.7774 ns |    272.242 ns |  2.30 |    0.06 |  0.1578 |     - |     - |     496 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |   666 |    569.920 ns |  11.4496 ns |  11.2450 ns |    571.647 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  0.8688 |     - |     - |    2728 B |
    |  ToList() |   666 |  1,621.752 ns |  17.1176 ns |  16.0118 ns |  1,623.566 ns |  2.85 |    0.05 |  0.8793 |     - |     - |    2760 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |  1000 |    796.705 ns |  16.7091 ns |  19.8910 ns |    796.610 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  1.2951 |     - |     - |    4064 B |
    |  ToList() |  1000 |  2,453.110 ns |  48.1121 ns |  65.8563 ns |  2,460.190 ns |  3.09 |    0.10 |  1.3046 |     - |     - |    4096 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() |  1337 |  1,057.983 ns |  20.9810 ns |  41.4145 ns |  1,041.028 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 |  1.7223 |     - |     - |    5416 B |
    |  ToList() |  1337 |  3,217.550 ns |  62.3777 ns |  61.2633 ns |  3,203.928 ns |  2.98 |    0.13 |  1.7357 |     - |     - |    5448 B |
    |           |       |               |             |             |               |       |         |         |       |       |           |
    | ToArray() | 10000 |  7,309.844 ns | 160.0343 ns | 141.8662 ns |  7,279.387 ns |  1.00 |    0.00 | 12.6572 |     - |     - |   40064 B |
    |  ToList() | 10000 | 23,858.032 ns | 389.6592 ns | 364.4874 ns | 23,759.001 ns |  3.26 |    0.08 | 12.6343 |     - |     - |   40096 B |
    // * Hints *
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 2 outliers were removed (35.20 ns, 35.29 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 2 outliers were removed (38.51 ns, 38.88 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToList(): Default  -> 1 outlier  was  removed (64.69 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 1 outlier  was  removed (67.02 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 1 outlier  was  removed (130.08 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 1 outlier  was  detected (541.82 ns)
      Benchmarks.ToArray(): Default -> 1 outlier  was  removed (7.82 us)
    // * Legends *
      Count     : Value of the 'Count' parameter
      Mean      : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
      Error     : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
      StdDev    : Standard deviation of all measurements
      Median    : Value separating the higher half of all measurements (50th percentile)
      Ratio     : Mean of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
      RatioSD   : Standard deviation of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
      Gen 0     : GC Generation 0 collects per 1000 operations
      Gen 1     : GC Generation 1 collects per 1000 operations
      Gen 2     : GC Generation 2 collects per 1000 operations
      Allocated : Allocated memory per single operation (managed only, inclusive, 1KB = 1024B)
      1 ns      : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)