
public void setRetainInstance (boolean retain) Control whether a fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (such as from a configuration change). This can only be used with fragments not in the back stack. If set, the fragment lifecycle will be slightly different when an activity is recreated: onDestroy() will not be called (but onDetach() still will be, because the fragment is being detached from its current activity). onCreate(Bundle) will not be called since the fragment is not being re-created. onAttach(Activity) and onActivityCreated(Bundle) will still be called.


片段是否也保留它的视图,或者在配置更改时重新创建视图?“保留”到底是什么意思? 当用户离开活动时,片段会被销毁吗? 为什么它不能与后面堆栈上的片段一起工作? 在哪些用例中使用这种方法是有意义的?


SetRetainInstance(true) allows the fragment sort of survive. Its members will be retained during configuration change like rotation. But it still may be killed when the activity is killed in the background. If the containing activity in the background is killed by the system, it's instanceState should be saved by the system you handled onSaveInstanceState properly. In another word the onSaveInstanceState will always be called. Though onCreateView won't be called if SetRetainInstance is true and fragment/activity is not killed yet, it still will be called if it's killed and being tried to be brought back.

这里有一些对android活动/片段的分析,希望能有所帮助。 http://ideaventure.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/android-activityfragment-life-cycle.html










Just like Activitys, Fragments may be destroyed by the system when memory resources are low. Whether you have your fragments retain their instance state across configuration changes will have no effect on whether or not the system will destroy the Fragments once you leave the Activity. If you leave the Activity (i.e. by pressing the home button), the Fragments may or may not be destroyed. If you leave the Activity by pressing the back button (thus, calling finish() and effectively destroying the Activity), all of the Activitys attached Fragments will also be destroyed.


There are probably multiple reasons why it's not supported, but the most obvious reason to me is that the Activity holds a reference to the FragmentManager, and the FragmentManager manages the backstack. That is, no matter if you choose to retain your Fragments or not, the Activity (and thus the FragmentManager's backstack) will be destroyed on a configuration change. Another reason why it might not work is because things might get tricky if both retained fragments and non-retained fragments were allowed to exist on the same backstack.




SetRetainInstance(true) allows the fragment sort of survive. Its members will be retained during configuration change like rotation. But it still may be killed when the activity is killed in the background. If the containing activity in the background is killed by the system, it's instanceState should be saved by the system you handled onSaveInstanceState properly. In another word the onSaveInstanceState will always be called. Though onCreateView won't be called if SetRetainInstance is true and fragment/activity is not killed yet, it still will be called if it's killed and being tried to be brought back.

这里有一些对android活动/片段的分析,希望能有所帮助。 http://ideaventure.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/android-activityfragment-life-cycle.html

setRetainInstance() -已弃用

As Fragments Version 1.3.0-alpha01

The setRetainInstance() method on Fragments has been deprecated. With the introduction of ViewModels, developers have a specific API for retaining state that can be associated with Activities, Fragments, and Navigation graphs. This allows developers to use a normal, not retained Fragment and keep the specific state they want retained separate, avoiding a common source of leaks while maintaining the useful properties of a single creation and destruction of the retained state (namely, the constructor of the ViewModel and the onCleared() callback it receives).