
def weightedChoice(choices):
    """Like random.choice, but each element can have a different chance of
    being selected.

    choices can be any iterable containing iterables with two items each.
    Technically, they can have more than two items, the rest will just be
    ignored.  The first item is the thing being chosen, the second item is
    its weight.  The weights can be any numeric values, what matters is the
    relative differences between them.
    space = {}
    current = 0
    for choice, weight in choices:
        if weight > 0:
            space[current] = choice
            current += weight
    rand = random.uniform(0, current)
    for key in sorted(space.keys() + [current]):
        if rand < key:
            return choice
        choice = space[key]
    return None



import numpy as np
w=np.array([ 0.4,  0.8,  1.6,  0.8,  0.4])
np.random.choice(w, p=w/sum(w))



import random
import bisect

    range = xrange

def weighted_choice(choices):
    total, cumulative = 0, []
    for c,w in choices:
        total += w
        cumulative.append((total, c))
    r = random.uniform(0, total)
    # return index
    return bisect.bisect(cumulative, (r,))
    # return item string
    #return choices[bisect.bisect(cumulative, (r,))][0]

# define choices and relative weights
choices = [("WHITE",90), ("RED",8), ("GREEN",2)]

tally = [0 for item in choices]

n = 100000
# tally up n weighted choices
for i in range(n):
    tally[weighted_choice(choices)] += 1

print([t/sum(tally)*100 for t in tally])

步骤1:生成您感兴趣的CDF F

步骤2:生成u.r.v. u




def rand_weighted(weights):
    Generator which uses the weights to generate a
    weighted random values
    sum_weights = sum(weights.values())
    cum_weights = {}
    current_weight = 0
    for key, value in sorted(weights.iteritems()):
        current_weight += value
        cum_weights[key] = current_weight
    while True:
        sel = int(random.uniform(0, 1) * sum_weights)
        for key, value in sorted(cum_weights.iteritems()):
            if sel < value:
        yield key


items = [11, 23, 43, 91] 
probability = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1]

你有一个函数,它生成一个介于[0,1)之间的随机数(我们可以在这里使用random.random())。 现在求概率的前缀和




return items[bisect.bisect(prefix_probability,random.random())]


import numpy as np
weights = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5] #weights for the item at index 0,1,2
# sum of weights should be <=1, you can also divide each weight by sum of all weights to standardise it to <=1 constraint.
trials = 1 #number of trials
num_item = 1 #number of items that can be picked in each trial
selected_item_arr = np.random.multinomial(num_item, weights, trials)
# gives number of times an item was selected at a particular index
# this assumes selection with replacement
# one possible output
# selected_item_arr
# array([[0, 0, 1]])
# say if trials = 5, the the possible output could be 
# selected_item_arr
# array([[1, 0, 0],
#   [0, 0, 1],
#   [0, 0, 1],
#   [0, 1, 0],
#   [0, 0, 1]])


num_item = 3
trials = 1
selected_item_arr = np.random.multinomial(num_item, weights, trials)
# selected_item_arr can give output like :
# array([[1, 0, 2]])


num_binomial_trial = 5
weights = [0.1,0.9] #say an unfair coin weights for H/T
num_experiment_set = 1
selected_item_arr = np.random.multinomial(num_binomial_trial, weights, num_experiment_set)
# possible output
# selected_item_arr
# array([[1, 4]])
# i.e H came 1 time and T came 4 times in 5 binomial trials. And one set contains 5 binomial trails.