




这是测试调试/发布版本&如果应用程序是由Play签名(这意味着从谷歌Play交付的应用程序的签名证书与使用Android Studio从您的机器安装应用程序时的证书不同)。


Create your product on Google Play Console and activate it. Add license testers (open the Google Play Console -> Settings -> License Testing). Add all the Google accounts listed on your android device. Upload signed app to the internal testing track (it must be in release mode). Use the testing link to check if the app is available to download (make sure the uploaded app version to the internal track matches the version you're testing in debug mode). It takes some time to see the latest uploaded version there, so I recommend clearing the cache of the Play Store app. Run your app in debug mode from Android Studio. (Again, the app version and build number must match the values on the published version to the internal track).

我在两个不同的谷歌Play Console帐户(两个不同的应用程序)上进行了测试,它是有效的。


我也遇到了同样的问题,在我读到DZDomi的帖子之前,问题没有解决。突然发现在谷歌开发人员控制台中有一个设置需要启用。在“In app purchases”部分,你的产品有一行,最右边是它的状态。它应该是活跃的!


这是测试调试/发布版本&如果应用程序是由Play签名(这意味着从谷歌Play交付的应用程序的签名证书与使用Android Studio从您的机器安装应用程序时的证书不同)。


Create your product on Google Play Console and activate it. Add license testers (open the Google Play Console -> Settings -> License Testing). Add all the Google accounts listed on your android device. Upload signed app to the internal testing track (it must be in release mode). Use the testing link to check if the app is available to download (make sure the uploaded app version to the internal track matches the version you're testing in debug mode). It takes some time to see the latest uploaded version there, so I recommend clearing the cache of the Play Store app. Run your app in debug mode from Android Studio. (Again, the app version and build number must match the values on the published version to the internal track).

我在两个不同的谷歌Play Console帐户(两个不同的应用程序)上进行了测试,它是有效的。



谷歌需要一段时间来处理应用程序并将它们更新到服务器,对我来说大约需要半天。因此,在谷歌Play上以草稿形式保存apk后,你必须等待几个小时,应用内产品才能正常响应,并允许定期购买。 导出并签署APK。未签名的APK试图进行购买将得到错误。
