

产品名称($(PRODUCT_NAME)):默认为目标名称。这有助于方案选择正确的目标 Bundle显示名称(CFBundleDisplayName):默认为Product name。这就是显示给iOS用户的内容


为了把所有相关信息集中在一个地方,这里是这个问题的官方答案——这是唯一一个在Xcode 5.1.1上对我有效的答案


在Xcode 8中很容易改变。在Project Target→General Identity部分的“Display name”字段中输入应用程序名称。

在Xcode中打开目标。 在项目的目标(您当前的开发名称)上构建设置。 在包装下搜索产品名称。将其值更改为您想要的新项目名称。


Expand the Targets group in Xcode, and then single-click the item under that. It should share the name of your project, which is also the default name of the application that gets generated. Press Command + I to bring up the Info window, and then navigate to the Build tag. Set the Configuration drop-down to read All Configurations. Look for a setting called Product Name under the Packaging heading. Change that value to the name you want for your compiled applications and, in the immortal words of Bugs Bunny: Voilà! Do a clean and a build. Your application will take on the new name.
