今天,当我试图在Sublime Text 3上运行简单的代码时,出现了以下消息:

未找到Python,但可以从Microsoft Store: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkID=2082640安装

当我在CMD中输入Python时,它会打开Windows商店,让我下载Python 3.7。这个问题今天就开始了,没有什么好理由。我没有更改或下载任何关于Python的内容,并且已经尝试重新安装Python,并且Path环境变量是正确的。



Start the Run box and enter sysdm.cpl Go to the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button Now you’ll need to locate the relevant Python paths Here is how a Python application path looks like: And this is how a Python Scripts path looks like: Select the Path variable, press edit and add both paths (Python application and Python Scripts) If it doesn't show, press new instead of edit and fill the New User Variable box This is how my Variable value looks like: C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32;C:\Users\Ron\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\Scripts


来源:Data To Fish


因为这是一个常见的问题,这似乎是一个典型的问题,我想尝试对Python 3.7 Windows Store惨败(TM)进行一个完整的概述。


两件事的融合:2011年为Windows推出的Python启动器(以下简称py),以及2019年5月的Windows 10更新,显然是为了让Windows用户更容易安装Python。



Since the introduction of py, by default, Windows Python installers do not add the new Python install to the PATH. Why? Because the entire point of py is that it uses its own logic to find a Python installation, based on some combination of command-line switches and possibly the source file's own shebang line. Now your source files can be associated with py instead of any particular python.exe, and you can get Linux-like behaviour when double-clicking a file. Meanwhile, by running py at the command line, you have easy access to whatever you need, and you don't have to think about which version of Python was installed most recently. So there's seemingly no good reason to put any of those Python installations on the PATH. It only risks confusing you when, for example, the most recently installed version isn't the most up-to-date one. Right?

在更新中,Windows 10将“python.exe”放入Windows应用程序相关文件夹,这是一个用于打开微软商店链接的包装应用程序。我们的想法是,它在PATH上,但接近结尾;所以如果你安装了Python,它就会被使用,否则包装器就会被调用,并帮助你安装Python——这样你就可以运行你朋友在Discord上发给你的那个随机的、完全信任的。py文件。





You can check the option to add new Python versions to the PATH when you install them, and deal with the fact that python at the command line means a specific one of them. If you need to change that, you can manually tweak your PATH variable. You can just manually tweak the PATH variable after the fact. (or "Modify" a Python installation to fix it.) This is covered in several other answers. Independently of that, you can disable the wrappers, as shown in the top answer. You should probably do this anyway; seeing python fail at the command line is less aggravating than dealing with a random GUI window popping up and offering to install something for you, especially when you know you have it already. If you want to keep the PATH empty, consider using virtual environments for your projects. Whenever a virtual environment is active, the PATH is temporarily modified such that python means the Python installation of that environment. It's quite convenient, really. You might be able to tell your IDEs to use py instead of a specific Python installation, and it might even be helpful to do so. I don't know. I don't use one.




当你在cmd中输入“python”时,它会从上到下搜索“Path”环境变量页面中列出的目录。因此,如果你在新的Windows 10安装后安装了Python,然后被重定向到Windows商店,这是因为有两个Python. exe:应用程序执行别名页面中的别名,以及你安装Python的地方的真实别名。但是cmd首先会找到应用程序的执行,别名python.exe,因为该目录位于路径的顶部。


创建这个别名是为了帮助刚开始学习Python的孩子安装它,并专注于学习编码。我认为如果你从Windows应用商店安装Python, Windows可能会删除这些别名。我们注意到,如果从其他来源手动安装,它们不会被删除。

(另外,空的/fake python.exe并不是真的空的。它在截图中显示为0 KB,但在cmd中输入“start ms-windows-store:”会打开Windows应用商店,所以它可能只有一行,并有一种将其引导到Python页面的方法。)

最后,正如Chipjust所建议的,你可以使用本文中解释的DOSKEY之类的东西为Python创建一个新别名,例如: 如何设置Windows下命令提示符的别名


$pyPath=(Resolve-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python*\")
$Env:Path = (($Env:Path.Split(';') | Where-Object { $_ -ne "$appsFld" }) -join ';'); 
$Env:Path = (($Env:Path.Split(';') | Where-Object { $_ -ne "$pyPath" }) -join ';'); 
$Env:Path += ";$pyPath";
$Env:Path +=";$appsFld";
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$Env:Path", "Machine")


> python
Python 3.10.7 (tags/v3.10.7:6cc6b13, Sep  5 2022, 14:08:36) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> quit

作为一个在Sublime Text中进行Python开发的人,我知道你说过Python解释器的路径是正确的,但是当你安装Python解释器时,一定要勾选将Python添加到path的选项。


对于任何使用pyenv-win的人来说,这是一个额外的注意事项:在关闭应用程序执行别名之后,运行pyenv rehash。您可能还需要关闭/重新打开CMD或PowerShell窗口。