Edit the commit before <commit> git rebase -i <commit>^^ NB: perhaps it will be also needed to edit <commit> as well. Cherry pick <commit> into the index git cherry-pick -n <commit> Interactively reset unneeded changes from the index and reset the working tree git reset -p && git checkout-index -f -a As alternative, just stash unneeded changes interactively: git stash push -p -m "tmp other changes" Make other changes (if any) and create the new commit git commit -m "upd something" . Optionally, repeat the items 2-4 to add more intermediate commits. Continue rebasing git rebase --continue
如果你还没有推送,请使用git rebase。更好的是,使用git rebase -i来交互地移动提交。您可以将有问题的提交移到前面,然后根据需要将其拆分并将补丁移到后面(如果需要的话)。
我们想要移动HEAD到父节点,所以导航到父节点(47e18b3)并点击x (magit-reset-quick,如果你使用evil-magit,则绑定到o),然后进入说“是的,我的意思是提交点”。您的日志现在应该如下所示:
现在,点击q进入常规的Magit状态,然后使用常规的unstage u命令取消第一次提交中没有进入的阶段,像往常一样提交c,然后stage并提交第二次提交的内容,完成后:点击r打开rebase弹出框
我更喜欢使用我的git GUI(而不是命令行),我有问题的提交只提交了3次,我还没有推送任何文件,下面的文件也不完全整洁,所以我选择通过精选完全重建所有文件,这比通过命令行使用交互式rebase编辑更快,但方法相似。
下面是我如何在我最喜欢的git GUI(我个人使用SourceTree)中做到这一点:
Create a tag on the current state so that it isn't lost. Now move your actual local branch pointer to the messy commit. Reset (mixed) to the previous one, so that the files from the commit in (2) are kept. You can now split the commit in two or more by staging files that are needed and commiting with the correct message, until there's no unstaged files left. Cherry pick the next commit in line (from the history you've tagged). You do this by right clicking the desired commit and choosing "cherry pick". Goto (4), do until no more unaccounted commits left. Don't worry if as a result you have some commits that would be best squashed into one. You can squash them with an optional interactive rebase in GUI. It's as simple right-clicking the commit before the mess & clicking "Interactive rebase" then dragging commits onto each other to squash (fix the commit message to keep it simple), or move them up or down as desired. Remove the tag created in (1).
Edit the commit before <commit> git rebase -i <commit>^^ NB: perhaps it will be also needed to edit <commit> as well. Cherry pick <commit> into the index git cherry-pick -n <commit> Interactively reset unneeded changes from the index and reset the working tree git reset -p && git checkout-index -f -a As alternative, just stash unneeded changes interactively: git stash push -p -m "tmp other changes" Make other changes (if any) and create the new commit git commit -m "upd something" . Optionally, repeat the items 2-4 to add more intermediate commits. Continue rebasing git rebase --continue
在rebase manpage中有一个拆分提交的指南。简要总结如下:
Perform an interactive rebase including the target commit (e.g. git rebase -i <commit-to-split>^ branch) and mark it to be edited. When the rebase reaches that commit, use git reset HEAD^ to reset to before the commit, but keep your work tree intact. Incrementally add changes and commit them, making as many commits as desired. add -p can be useful to add only some of the changes in a given file. Use commit -c ORIG_HEAD if you want to re-use the original commit message for a certain commit. If you want to test what you're committing (good idea!) use git stash to hide away the part you haven't committed (or stash --keep-index before you even commit it), test, then git stash pop to return the rest to the work tree. Keep making commits until you get all modifications committed, i.e. have a clean work tree. Run git rebase --continue to proceed applying the commits after the now-split commit.