Amazon S3中是否有重命名文件和文件夹的功能?欢迎提出相关建议。


重命名所有*.csv. csv文件。将<<桶>>/landing dir中的Err文件转换为带有s3cmd的*.csv文件

 export aws_profile='foo-bar-aws-profile'
 while read -r f ; do tgt_fle=$(echo $f|perl -ne 's/^(.*).csv.err/$1.csv/g;print'); \
        echo s3cmd -c ~/.aws/s3cmd/$aws_profile.s3cfg mv $f $tgt_fle; \
 done < <(s3cmd -r -c ~/.aws/s3cmd/$aws_profile.s3cfg ls --acl-public --guess-mime-type \
        s3://$bucket | grep -i landing | grep csv.err | cut -d" " -f5)



aws s3  mv s3://bucketname/folder_name1/test_original.csv s3://bucket/folder_name1/test_renamed.csv


    FILES=$(aws s3api list-objects --bucket your_bucket --prefix 'your_path' --delimiter '/'  | jq -r '.Contents[] | select(.Size > 0) | .Key' | sed '<your_rename_here>')
     for i in $FILES
      aws s3 mv s3://<your_bucket>/${i}.gz s3://<your_bucket>/${i}

我刚把它弄好了。你可以像这样使用AWS SDK:

use Aws\S3\S3Client;

$sourceBucket = '*** Your Source Bucket Name ***';
$sourceKeyname = '*** Your Source Object Key ***';
$targetBucket = '*** Your Target Bucket Name ***';
$targetKeyname = '*** Your Target Key Name ***';        

// Instantiate the client.
$s3 = S3Client::factory();

// Copy an object.
    'Bucket'     => $targetBucket,
    'Key'        => $targetKeyname,
    'CopySource' => "{$sourceBucket}/{$sourceKeyname}",




aws cli很棒,但cp或sync或mv都没有将空文件夹(即以'/'结尾的文件)复制到新的文件夹位置,所以我使用boto3和aws cli的混合来完成任务。

或多或少我找到重命名目录中的所有文件夹,然后使用boto3将它们放在新位置,然后我用aws cli对数据进行cp,最后将其删除。

import threading

import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from import default_storage
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import reverse

def rename_folder(request, client_url):
    :param request:
    :param client_url:
    current_property = request.session.get('property')
    if request.POST:
        # name the change
        new_name = request.POST['name']
        # old full path with www.[].com?
        old_path = request.POST['old_path']
        # remove the query string
        old_path = ''.join(old_path.split('?')[0])
        # remove the .com prefix item so we have the path in the storage
        old_path = ''.join(old_path.split('.com/')[-1])
        # remove empty values, this will happen at end due to these being folders
        old_path_list = [x for x in old_path.split('/') if x != '']

        # remove the last folder element with split()
        base_path = '/'.join(old_path_list[:-1])
        # # now build the new path
        new_path = base_path + f'/{new_name}/'
        # remove empty variables
        # print(old_path_list[:-1], old_path.split('/'), old_path, base_path, new_path)
        endpoint = settings.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL
        # # recursively add the files
        copy_command = f"aws s3 --endpoint={endpoint} cp s3://{old_path} s3://{new_path} --recursive"
        remove_command = f"aws s3 --endpoint={endpoint} rm s3://{old_path} --recursive"
        # get_creds() is nothing special it simply returns the elements needed via boto3
        client, resource, bucket, resource_bucket = get_creds()
        path_viewing = f'{"/".join(old_path.split("/")[1:])}'
        directory_content = default_storage.listdir(path_viewing)

        # loop over folders and add them by default, aws cli does not copy empty ones
        # so this is used to accommodate
        folders, files = directory_content
        for folder in folders:
            new_key = new_path+folder+'/'
            # we must remove bucket name for this to work
            new_key = new_key.split(f"{bucket}/")[-1]
            # push this to new thread
            threading.Thread(target=put_object, args=(client, bucket, new_key,)).start()
            print(f'{new_key} added')

        # # run command, which will copy all data
        print('Copy Done...')
        print('Remove Done...')

        # print(bucket)
        print(f'Folder renamed.')
        messages.success(request, f'Folder Renamed to: {new_name}')

    return redirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', f"{reverse('home', args=[client_url])}"))