当一个元素有display: none时,许多人都搞不清楚如何显示它,因为它不像使用visibility属性那么清楚。
我可以只使用visibility: hidden而不是display: none,但它不会产生相同的效果,所以我不会使用它。
当一个元素有display: none时,许多人都搞不清楚如何显示它,因为它不像使用visibility属性那么清楚。
我可以只使用visibility: hidden而不是display: none,但它不会产生相同的效果,所以我不会使用它。
/* screen style */
.print_only { display: none; }
/* print stylesheet */
div.print_only { display: block; }
span.print_only { display: inline; }
.no_print { display: none; }
I used this when I needed to print a form containing values and the input fields were difficult to print. So I added the values wrapped in a span.print_only tag (div.print_only was used elsewhere) and then applied the .no_print class to the input fields. So on-screen you would see the input fields and when printed, only the values. If you wanted to get fancy you could use JS to update the values in the span tags when the fields were updated but that wasn't necessary in my case. Perhaps not the the most elegant solution but it worked for me!
我只是复制了之前的显示值(在我的情况下display: flex;) 再次(在display non之后),并且它过度尝试了display:none成功
display: inline
外部显示类型(元素如何参与父流布局,例如块,内联) 内部显示类型(子元素的布局,例如flex, grid) 显示框(元素是否显示,例如contents, none)。
Firefox现在支持display属性的双值语法(或多关键字值),用于分隔外部和内部显示类型。例如,block现在变成了block flow, flex变成了block flex。这并不能解决一个都没有的问题,但我认为明确的关注点分离是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。
The content-visibility: hidden property gives you all of the same benefits of unrendered content and cached rendering state as content-visibility: auto does off-screen. However, unlike with auto, it does not automatically start to render on-screen. This gives you more control, allowing you to hide an element's contents and later unhide them quickly. Compare it to other common ways of hiding element's contents: display: none: hides the element and destroys its rendering state. This means unhiding the element is as expensive as rendering a new element with the same contents. visibility: hidden: hides the element and keeps its rendering state. This doesn't truly remove the element from the document, as it (and it's subtree) still takes up geometric space on the page and can still be clicked on. It also updates the rendering state any time it is needed even when hidden. content-visibility: hidden, on the other hand, hides the element while preserving its rendering state, so, if there are any changes that need to happen, they only happen when the element is shown again (i.e. the content-visibility: hidden property is removed).
哇。所以这就是display:一直都不应该是——一种从布局中优雅地、完全独立于显示类型的删除元素的方法!因此,与content-visibility: hidden相反的是content-visibility: visible,但是你在auto中还有第三个非常有用的选项,它会为你做惰性渲染,加速你的初始页面加载。
但是display: unset非常接近,在大多数情况下都可以工作。
来自MDN (Mozilla开发者网络):
unset CSS关键字是初始关键字和继承关键字的组合。像这两个CSS范围的关键字一样,它可以应用于任何CSS属性,包括CSS简写all。如果属性从其父继承,则该关键字将属性重置为其继承值,如果不是其父继承,则将属性重置为其初始值。换句话说,它的行为类似于第一种情况下的继承关键字,而类似于第二种情况下的初始关键字。 (来源:https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/unset)
还要注意display: revert目前正在开发中。详见MDN。