
问“a在名单中吗?” 一种快速的方法来做“从列表中删除a,如果它存在于列表” 一个快速的方法来做“添加a到列表中,如果它还没有出现”。








var set = Object.create(null)


var set = Object.create(null); // create an object with no properties

if (A in set) { // 1. is A in the list
  // some code
delete set[a]; // 2. delete A from the list if it exists in the list 
set[A] = true; // 3. add A to the list if it is not already present

我刚刚注意到d3.js库有集,映射和其他数据结构的实现。 我不能争辩他们的效率,但从这是一个受欢迎的图书馆的事实来看,它一定是你需要的。











set.values ()


d3。Set (["foo", "bar", "foo", "baz"]).values();// "foo", "bar", "baz"



set.empty ()


set.size ()




从ECMAScript 6开始,Set数据结构是一个内置特性。与node.js版本的兼容性可以在这里找到。




// create empty object
var obj = {};

// or create an object with some items already in it
var obj = {"1":true, "2":true, "3":true, "9":true};


if (A in obj) {
    // put code here


delete obj[A];


obj[A] = true;


if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, A))
    // put code here


ES6边栏:ECMAScript 6或ES 2015的当前工作版本有一个内置的Set对象。现在在一些浏览器中实现了它。由于浏览器可用性随时间而变化,您可以查看ES6兼容性表中的Set行,以查看浏览器可用性的当前状态。


I have now written a polyfill for the ES6 set object so you could start using that now and it will automatically defer to the built-in set object if the browser supports it. This has the advantage that you're writing ES6 compatible code that will work all the way back to IE7. But, there are some downsides. The ES6 set interface takes advantage of the ES6 iterators so you can do things like for (item of mySet) and it will automatically iterate through the set for you. But, this type of language feature cannot be implemented via polyfill. You can still iterate an ES6 set without using the new ES6 languages features, but frankly without the new language features, it isn't as convenient as the other set interface I include below.


仅供参考,在我自己的测试中,我注意到Firefox v29 Set实现在当前的规范草案中并不是完全最新的。例如,你不能像规范所描述的和我的polyfill所支持的那样链接.add()方法调用。这可能是一个正在进行的规范问题,因为它还没有最终确定。

Pre-Built Set objects: If you want an already built object that has methods for operating on a set that you can use in any browser, you can use a series of different pre-built objects that implement different types of sets. There is a miniSet which is small code that implements the basics of a set object. It also has a more feature rich set object and several derivations including a Dictionary (let's you store/retrieve a value for each key) and an ObjectSet (let's you keep a set of objects - either JS objects or DOM objects where you either supply the function that generates a unique key for each one or the ObjectSet will generate the key for you).


"use strict";
// Simple implementation of a Set in javascript
// Supports any element type that can uniquely be identified
//    with its string conversion (e.g. toString() operator).
// This includes strings, numbers, dates, etc...
// It does not include objects or arrays though
//    one could implement a toString() operator
//    on an object that would uniquely identify
//    the object.
// Uses a javascript object to hold the Set
// This is a subset of the Set object designed to be smaller and faster, but
// not as extensible.  This implementation should not be mixed with the Set object
// as in don't pass a miniSet to a Set constructor or vice versa.  Both can exist and be
// used separately in the same project, though if you want the features of the other
// sets, then you should probably just include them and not include miniSet as it's
// really designed for someone who just wants the smallest amount of code to get
// a Set interface.
// s.add(key)                      // adds a key to the Set (if it doesn't already exist)
// s.add(key1, key2, key3)         // adds multiple keys
// s.add([key1, key2, key3])       // adds multiple keys
// s.add(otherSet)                 // adds another Set to this Set
// s.add(arrayLikeObject)          // adds anything that a subclass returns true on _isPseudoArray()
// s.remove(key)                   // removes a key from the Set
// s.remove(["a", "b"]);           // removes all keys in the passed in array
// s.remove("a", "b", ["first", "second"]);   // removes all keys specified
// s.has(key)                      // returns true/false if key exists in the Set
// s.isEmpty()                     // returns true/false for whether Set is empty
// s.keys()                        // returns an array of keys in the Set
// s.clear()                       // clears all data from the Set
// s.each(fn)                      // iterate over all items in the Set (return this for method chaining)
// All methods return the object for use in chaining except when the point
// of the method is to return a specific value (such as .keys() or .isEmpty())

// polyfill for Array.isArray
if(!Array.isArray) {
    Array.isArray = function (vArg) {
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(vArg) === "[object Array]";

function MiniSet(initialData) {
    // Usage:
    // new MiniSet()
    // new MiniSet(1,2,3,4,5)
    // new MiniSet(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"])
    // new MiniSet(otherSet)
    // new MiniSet(otherSet1, otherSet2, ...)
    this.data = {};
    this.add.apply(this, arguments);

MiniSet.prototype = {
    // usage:
    // add(key)
    // add([key1, key2, key3])
    // add(otherSet)
    // add(key1, [key2, key3, key4], otherSet)
    // add supports the EXACT same arguments as the constructor
    add: function() {
        var key;
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            key = arguments[i];
            if (Array.isArray(key)) {
                for (var j = 0; j < key.length; j++) {
                    this.data[key[j]] = key[j];
            } else if (key instanceof MiniSet) {
                var self = this;
                key.each(function(val, key) {
                    self.data[key] = val;
            } else {
                // just a key, so add it
                this.data[key] = key;
        return this;
    // private: to remove a single item
    // does not have all the argument flexibility that remove does
    _removeItem: function(key) {
        delete this.data[key];
    // usage:
    // remove(key)
    // remove(key1, key2, key3)
    // remove([key1, key2, key3])
    remove: function(key) {
        // can be one or more args
        // each arg can be a string key or an array of string keys
        var item;
        for (var j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) {
            item = arguments[j];
            if (Array.isArray(item)) {
                // must be an array of keys
                for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
            } else {
        return this;
    // returns true/false on whether the key exists
    has: function(key) {
        return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.data, key);
    // tells you if the Set is empty or not
    isEmpty: function() {
        for (var key in this.data) {
            if (this.has(key)) {
                return false;
        return true;
    // returns an array of all keys in the Set
    // returns the original key (not the string converted form)
    keys: function() {
        var results = [];
        this.each(function(data) {
        return results;
    // clears the Set
    clear: function() {
        this.data = {}; 
        return this;
    // iterate over all elements in the Set until callback returns false
    // myCallback(key) is the callback form
    // If the callback returns false, then the iteration is stopped
    // returns the Set to allow method chaining
    each: function(fn) {
        return this;
    // iterate all elements until callback returns false
    // myCallback(key) is the callback form
    // returns false if iteration was stopped
    // returns true if iteration completed
    eachReturn: function(fn) {
        for (var key in this.data) {
            if (this.has(key)) {
                if (fn.call(this, this.data[key], key) === false) {
                    return false;
        return true;

MiniSet.prototype.constructor = MiniSet;