我最近发现了git的add命令的补丁选项,我必须说这真的是一个很棒的功能。 我还发现,通过按s键,一个大块可以被分割成更小的块,这增加了提交的精度。 但是如果我想要更精确,如果分割的大块不够小呢?


@@ -34,12 +34,7 @@
   width: 440px;

-/*#field_teacher_id {
-  display: block;
-} */
-form.table-form #field_teacher + label,
-form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label {
+#user-register form.table-form .field-type-checkbox label {
   width: 300px;



一种方法是跳过这个块,添加任何你需要的东西,然后再次运行git add。如果这是唯一的一块,你就可以把它分开。

如果你担心提交的顺序,只需使用git rebase -i。


如果你正在使用git add -p,即使在使用s分割之后,你也没有足够小的变化,你可以使用e直接编辑补丁。


-form.table-form #field_teacher + label,
-form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label {



.classname {
  width: 440px;

/*#field_teacher_id {
  display: block;
} */

form.table-form #field_teacher + label,
form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label {
  width: 300px;

.another {
  width: 420px;


.classname {
  width: 440px;

#user-register form.table-form .field-type-checkbox label {
  width: 300px;

.another {
  width: 420px;



git add --patch

Diff——git a/example.css b/example.css 指数426449 d . .50 ecff9 100644 ——/ example.css + + + b / example.css @@ -2,12 +2,7 @@ 宽度:440 px; } - / * # field_teacher_id { - display: block; -} * / - —构成。表格形式#field_teacher +标签, —构成。Table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { + #用户注册表单。表-form .field-type-checkbox标签{ 宽度:300 px; } 舞台这个大块头[y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?




Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? e


# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide @@ -2,12 +2,7 @@ width: 440px; } -/*#field_teacher_id { - display: block; -} */ - -form.table-form #field_teacher + label, -form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { +#user-register form.table-form .field-type-checkbox label { width: 300px; } # --- # To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context). # To remove '+' lines, delete them. # Lines starting with # will be removed. # # If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be # marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given # an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, # then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.




The first commit involves deleting some lines (comment removal). To remove the commented lines, just leave them alone, they are already marked to track the deletions in version control just like we want. -/*#field_teacher_id { - display: block; -} */ The second commit is a change, which is tracked by recording both deletions and additions: Deletions (old selector lines removed) To keep the old selector lines (do not delete them during this commit), we want... To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' ...which literally means replacing the minus - signs with a space character. So these three lines... - -form.table-form #field_teacher + label, -form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { ...will become (notice the single space at the first of all 3 lines): form.table-form #field_teacher + label, form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { Additions (new selector line added) To not pay attention to the new selector line added during this commit, we want... To remove '+' lines, delete them. ...which literally means to delete the whole line: +#user-register form.table-form .field-type-checkbox label { (Bonus: If you happen to be using vim as your editor, press dd to delete a line. Nano users press Ctrl+K)


# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide @@ -2,12 +2,7 @@ width: 440px; } -/*#field_teacher_id { - display: block; -} */ form.table-form #field_teacher + label, form.table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { width: 300px; } # --- # To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context). # To remove '+' lines, delete them. # Lines starting with # will be removed. # # If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be # marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given # an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, # then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.


git commit -m "remove old code"


git show

提交572年ecbc7beecca495c8965ce54fbccabdd085112 作者:杰夫·帕克特<jeff@jeffpuckett.com> 日期:2016年6月11日星期六17:06:48 -0500 删除旧代码 Diff——git a/example.css b/example.css 指数426449 d . .d04c832 100644 ——/ example.css + + + b / example.css @@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ 宽度:440 px; } - / * # field_teacher_id { - display: block; -} * / 的形式。表格形式#field_teacher +标签, 的形式。Table-form #field_producer_distributor + label {


git add .
git commit -m "change selectors"
git show

提交83年ec3c16b73bca799e4ed525148cf303e0bd39f9 作者:杰夫·帕克特<jeff@jeffpuckett.com> 日期:2016年6月11日星期六17:09:12 -0500 改变选择器 Diff——git a/example.css b/example.css 指数d04c832 . .50 ecff9 100644 ——/ example.css + + + b / example.css @@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ 宽度:440 px; } - —构成。表格形式#field_teacher +标签, —构成。Table-form #field_producer_distributor + label { + #用户注册表单。表-form .field-type-checkbox标签{ 宽度:300 px; }


如果您可以使用git gui,它允许您逐行进行更改。不幸的是,我不知道如何从命令行完成它——甚至不知道它是否可能。


编辑(git gui):

I am not sure if the git-gui is the same in msysgit and linux versions, I've only used the msysgit one. But assuming it is the same, when you run it, there are four panes: top-left pane is your working directory changes, bottom-left is your stages changes, top-right is the diff for the selected file (be it working dir or staged), and bottom right is for description of the commit (I suspect you won't need it). When you click a file in the top-right one, you will see the diff. If you right-click on a diff line, you'll see a context menu. The two options to note are "stage hunk for commit" and "stage line for commit". You keep selecting "stage line for commit" on the lines you want to commit, and you are done. You can even select several lines and stage them if you want. You can always click the file in the staging box to see what you are bout to commit.


一种方法是跳过这个块,添加任何你需要的东西,然后再次运行git add。如果这是唯一的一块,你就可以把它分开。

如果你担心提交的顺序,只需使用git rebase -i。