我需要一个堆栈数据结构为我的用例。我应该能够将项目推入数据结构,我只想从堆栈中检索最后一项。JavaDoc for Stack说:

一个更完整和一致的后进先出堆栈操作集是 由Deque接口及其实现提供,这应该 优先用于该类。例如:

Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>();



Deques也可以用作后进先出(LIFO)堆栈。这 接口应该优先于遗留的Stack类。


对我来说,这一点是缺失的: Stack是线程安全的,因为它是从Vector派生的,而大多数deque实现不是,因此如果你只在单个线程中使用它,速度会更快。



Object oriented design - Inheritance, abstraction, classes and interfaces: Stack is a class, Deque is an interface. Only one class can be extended, whereas any number of interfaces can be implemented by a single class in Java (multiple inheritance of type). Using the Deque interface removes the dependency on the concrete Stack class and its ancestors and gives you more flexibility, e.g. the freedom to extend a different class or swap out different implementations of Deque (like LinkedList, ArrayDeque).



对我来说,这一点是缺失的: Stack是线程安全的,因为它是从Vector派生的,而大多数deque实现不是,因此如果你只在单个线程中使用它,速度会更快。



对于set和map,我们有两个标准的哈希映射和树实现。第一个是最常用的,第二个是当我们需要一个有序结构时使用的(它也实现了自己的接口——SortedSet或SortedMap)。 我们可以使用首选的样式,如Set<String> Set = new HashSet<String>();原因见这里。


在Deque接口中,我们没有这样的问题,包括两个实现(可调整大小的数组- ArrayDeque;链表- LinkedList)。


Deque is an interface and stack is a class: In class creation it is better to implement an interface than extend a class because after extending you cannot extend another class, you can only implement an interface in the other hand when you implement an interface you can extend a class and also implement another interfaces. Synchronization: Because stack class is a subclass of the vector class which is asynchronized therefor stack is too But Deque is not. So if there is no need for synchronization then for better performance we should use Deque. Deque‘s iterator works the way we expect for a stack: iteration in a stack is bottom to top (FIFO (First In First Out)). But iteration in a Deque is top to bottom (LIFO (Last In First Out)). Stack isn't truly LIFO: We know that stack is a subclass of the vector class so we can access to elements by their indexes which is against LIFO contract.

如果出于某种原因你想从Stack转换到Deque,但想在转换到ArrayList时保持相同的顺序,你可以使用Deque. descent iterator()。

但是ArrayList没有接受Iterator的构造函数,所以你可能想把它和一个库结合起来,比如Guava(或Apache Commons):

Lists.newArrayList(deque.descendingIterator()) // Guava

或者Java 8:

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();