




new Vue({
    el: '#vue-app',
    data: {
        a: 0,
        b: 0,
        age: 20
    methods: {
        addToAmethod: function(){
            return this.a + this.age;
        addToBmethod: function(){
            return this.b + this.age;
    computed: {
        addToAcomputed: function(){
            return this.a + this.age;
        addToBcomputed: function(){
            return this.b + this.age;

Here we have 2 methods and 2 computed properties that perform the same task. The methods addToAmethod & addToBmethod and the computed properties addToAcomputed & addToBcomputed all add +20 (i.e. the age value) to either a or b. Regarding the methods, they are both called every time an action has been performed on any of the listed properties, even if the dependencies for one specific method have not changed. For the computed properties, the code is executed only when a dependency has changed; for example, one of the specific property values that refers to A or B will trigger addToAcomputed or addToBcomputed, respectively.

方法和计算描述看起来非常相似,但正如@Abdullah Khan已经指定的那样,它们不是一回事!现在让我们尝试添加一些html来一起执行所有内容,看看有什么不同。


new Vue({ el: '#vue-app', data: { a: 0, b: 0, age: 20 }, methods: { addToAmethod: function(){ console.log('addToAmethod'); return this.a + this.age; }, addToBmethod: function(){ console.log('addToBmethod'); return this.b + this.age; } } }); <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>VueJS Methods - stackoverflow</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="vue-app"> <h1>Methods</h1> <button v-on:click="a++">Add to A</button> <button v-on:click="b++">Add to B</button> <p>Age + A = {{ addToAmethod() }}</p> <p>Age + B = {{ addToBmethod() }}</p> </div> </body> <script src="app.js"></script> </html>


When I click on the button "Add to A", all the methods are called (see the console log screen result above), the addToBmethod() is also executed but I didn't press the "Add to B" button; the property value that refers to B has not changed. The same behaviour comes if we decide to click the button "Add to B", because again both the methods will be called independently of dependency changes. According to this scenario this is bad practice because we are executing the methods every time, even when dependencies have not changed. This is really resource consuming because there is not a cache for property values that have not changed.


new Vue({ el: '#vue-app', data: { a: 0, b: 0, age: 20 }, computed: { addToAcomputed: function(){ console.log('addToAcomputed'); return this.a + this.age; }, addToBcomputed: function(){ console.log('addToBcomputed'); return this.b + this.age; } } }); <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>VueJS Computed properties - stackoverflow</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="vue-app"> <h1>Computed Properties</h1> <button v-on:click="a++">Add to A</button> <button v-on:click="b++">Add to B</button> <p>Age + A = {{ addToAcomputed }}</p> <p>Age + B = {{ addToBcomputed }}</p> </div> </body> <script src="app.js"></script> </html>


When I click on the button "Add to A", only the computed property addToAcomputed is called because, as we already said, the computed properties are executed only when a dependency has changed. And since I didn't press the button "Add to B" and the age property value for B has not changed, there is no reason to call and execute the computed property addToBcomputed. So, in a certain sense, the computed property is maintaining the "same unchanged" value for the B property like a kind of cache. And in this circumstance this is consider good practice.




A more appropriate name for a computed value is a computed property. In fact, when the Vue is instantiated, computed properties are converted into a property of the Vue with a getter and sometimes a setter. Basically you can think of a computed value as a derived value that will be automatically updated whenever one of the underlying values used to calculate it is updated. You don't call a computed and it doesn't accept any parameters. You reference a computed property just like you would a data property. Here's the classic example from the documentation:

computed: {
  // a computed getter
  reversedMessage: function () {
    // `this` points to the vm instance
    return this.message.split('').reverse().join('')


<p>Computed reversed message: "{{ reversedMessage }}"</p>


    names: ["Bob", "Billy", "Mary", "Jane"]
        return this.names.filter(n => n.startsWith("B"))

<p v-for="name in startsWithB">{{name}}</p>




    names: ["Bob", "Billy", "Mary", "Jane"]
        return this.startsWithChar("B")
        return this.startsWithChar("M")
        return this.names.filter(n => n.startsWith(whichChar))




new Vue({
    el: '#vue-app',
    data: {
        a: 0,
        b: 0,
        age: 20
    methods: {
        addToAmethod: function(){
            return this.a + this.age;
        addToBmethod: function(){
            return this.b + this.age;
    computed: {
        addToAcomputed: function(){
            return this.a + this.age;
        addToBcomputed: function(){
            return this.b + this.age;

Here we have 2 methods and 2 computed properties that perform the same task. The methods addToAmethod & addToBmethod and the computed properties addToAcomputed & addToBcomputed all add +20 (i.e. the age value) to either a or b. Regarding the methods, they are both called every time an action has been performed on any of the listed properties, even if the dependencies for one specific method have not changed. For the computed properties, the code is executed only when a dependency has changed; for example, one of the specific property values that refers to A or B will trigger addToAcomputed or addToBcomputed, respectively.

方法和计算描述看起来非常相似,但正如@Abdullah Khan已经指定的那样,它们不是一回事!现在让我们尝试添加一些html来一起执行所有内容,看看有什么不同。


new Vue({ el: '#vue-app', data: { a: 0, b: 0, age: 20 }, methods: { addToAmethod: function(){ console.log('addToAmethod'); return this.a + this.age; }, addToBmethod: function(){ console.log('addToBmethod'); return this.b + this.age; } } }); <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>VueJS Methods - stackoverflow</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="vue-app"> <h1>Methods</h1> <button v-on:click="a++">Add to A</button> <button v-on:click="b++">Add to B</button> <p>Age + A = {{ addToAmethod() }}</p> <p>Age + B = {{ addToBmethod() }}</p> </div> </body> <script src="app.js"></script> </html>


When I click on the button "Add to A", all the methods are called (see the console log screen result above), the addToBmethod() is also executed but I didn't press the "Add to B" button; the property value that refers to B has not changed. The same behaviour comes if we decide to click the button "Add to B", because again both the methods will be called independently of dependency changes. According to this scenario this is bad practice because we are executing the methods every time, even when dependencies have not changed. This is really resource consuming because there is not a cache for property values that have not changed.


new Vue({ el: '#vue-app', data: { a: 0, b: 0, age: 20 }, computed: { addToAcomputed: function(){ console.log('addToAcomputed'); return this.a + this.age; }, addToBcomputed: function(){ console.log('addToBcomputed'); return this.b + this.age; } } }); <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>VueJS Computed properties - stackoverflow</title> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="vue-app"> <h1>Computed Properties</h1> <button v-on:click="a++">Add to A</button> <button v-on:click="b++">Add to B</button> <p>Age + A = {{ addToAcomputed }}</p> <p>Age + B = {{ addToBcomputed }}</p> </div> </body> <script src="app.js"></script> </html>


When I click on the button "Add to A", only the computed property addToAcomputed is called because, as we already said, the computed properties are executed only when a dependency has changed. And since I didn't press the button "Add to B" and the age property value for B has not changed, there is no reason to call and execute the computed property addToBcomputed. So, in a certain sense, the computed property is maintaining the "same unchanged" value for the B property like a kind of cache. And in this circumstance this is consider good practice.




方法 计算属性



计算属性必须总是返回一个值; 计算属性仅用于转换数据,而不是用于改变我们的表示层|,它们不应该改变或改变现有的数据。

由于您已经阅读了它或在运行我的示例代码之后,您将看到只有在计算属性中显示的值被更改(在方法中或通过用户输入或其他方式),计算属性将被重新计算并缓存。 但是每次调用一个方法时,不管结果如何,它都会被执行(例如,在我的例子中,当一个值达到0时,计算的属性不再被重新计算)


自己的现金; 你银行账户里的现金; 可从您的银行帐户提款; 有可能从某人那里借一些钱(无限的钱)。

new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { infinity: Infinity, value: 3, debt: -6, cash: 9, moneyInBank: 15, }, computed: { computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid: function() { console.log('computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid'); return this.debt +; }, computedPropRemainingTotalFunds: function() { console.log('computedPropRemainingTotalFunds'); return + this.moneyInBank + this.debt; } }, methods: { depositFunds: function(from, to, value, limit = false) { if (limit && (this[to] + value) >= 0) { // if you try to return greater value than you owe this[from] += this[to]; this[to] = 0; } else if (this[from] > value && this[from] - value >= 0) { // usual deposit this[to] += value; this[from] -= value; } else { // attempt to depost more than you have this[to] += this[from]; this[from] = 0; } }, repayADebt: function() { this.value = Math.abs(this.value); if (this.debt < 0) { this.depositFunds('cash', 'debt', this.value, true); } console.log('Attempt to repayADebt', this.value); }, lendAmount: function() { this.depositFunds('infinity', 'debt', -Math.abs(this.value)); console.log('Attempt to lendAmount', this.value); }, withdraw: function() { if (this.moneyInBank) { this.depositFunds('moneyInBank', 'cash', this.value); } console.log('Attempt to withdraw', this.value); } } }); * { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow-wrap: break-word; } html { font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana; font-size: 62.5%; } body { margin: 0; font-size: 1.6rem; } #app { margin: 3rem auto; max-width: 50vw; padding: 1rem; box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); } label, input { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; display: block; width: 100%; } label { font-weight: bold; } ul { list-style: none; margin: 1rem 0; padding: 0; } li { margin: 1rem 0; padding: 1rem; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .grid { display: grid; grid: 1fr / 1fr min-content 1fr min-content; gap: 1rem; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .grid> :is(button, input) { height: 3rem; margin: 0; } .computed-property-desc { padding: 1rem; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); text-align: justify; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>A First App</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <h1>Computed Properties Guide</h1> <p style="background-color: bisque;"> Let's assume that you have <span v-once>{{ cash }}</span>$; And you need to pay a debt=<span v-once>{{ debt }}</span> </p> <p>Your bank account: {{ moneyInBank }}$ <button v-on:click="withdraw(value)">Withdrow {{ value }}$ from bank</button></p> <p>Your cash: {{ cash }}$</p> <p>Your debt: {{ debt }}$ <button v-on:click="lendAmount(value)">Lend {{ value }}$ from Infinity</button></p> <div class="grid"> <button v-on:click="repayADebt(value)">Repay a debt</button> <span>in amout of</span> <input type="text" v-model.number="value"> <span>$</span> </div> <p>computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid/<br><mark>Available funds in case of debt repayment</mark> = {{ computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid }}$</p> <p>computedPropRemainingTotalFunds = {{ computedPropRemainingTotalFunds }}$</p> <p class="computed-property-desc">when you need to change data, you will use methods. And When you need to change the presentation of existing data, you will use computed properties. As you practice both concepts, it will become easier which one should you use. Very important notes: 1. it must always return a value; 2. computed properties are only used for transforming data and not for chaning it for our presentation layer | they should not alter or change the existing data</p> </div> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>



对DOM中发生的事件做出反应 在组件中发生事情时调用函数。 可以从计算属性或观察器调用方法。


您需要从现有数据源组合新数据 在模板中使用的变量是由一个或多个数据属性构建的 您希望将复杂的、嵌套的属性名称简化为更易于阅读和使用的名称(但在原始属性更改时更新它) 您需要从模板引用一个值。在这种情况下,创建计算属性是最好的,因为它是缓存的。 您需要侦听多个数据属性的更改