
主要是,Ryan Dahl (Node.js的创造者)说Node.js是基于事件循环的,而不是基于线程的。线程的开销很大,只能留给并发编程专家使用。







我不明白的是重点 Node.js仍然在使用线程。

Ryan使用线程处理阻塞的部分(大多数node.js使用非阻塞IO),因为有些部分很难编写非阻塞。但我相信瑞恩的愿望是一切都不阻塞。 在第63页(内部设计)中,您可以看到Ryan使用libev(抽象异步事件通知的库)来实现非阻塞事件循环。由于事件循环,node.js需要更少的线程,从而减少上下文切换,内存消耗等。





因此,在上面的例子中,它是100个线程vs 1个线程,但也是1个磁盘查找而不是100个磁盘查找,增益是非常显著的。瑞恩是个聪明人!


pseudo code:
result = query('select * from ...');


pseudo code:
query('select * from ...', function(result){
    // do stuff with result








我不明白的是重点 Node.js仍然在使用线程。

Ryan使用线程处理阻塞的部分(大多数node.js使用非阻塞IO),因为有些部分很难编写非阻塞。但我相信瑞恩的愿望是一切都不阻塞。 在第63页(内部设计)中,您可以看到Ryan使用libev(抽象异步事件通知的库)来实现非阻塞事件循环。由于事件循环,node.js需要更少的线程,从而减少上下文切换,内存消耗等。



result = query( "select smurfs from some_mushroom" );
// twiddle fingers
go_do_something_with_result( result );


2) "Threads are hard", only makes sense in the context of data sharing. If you have essentially independent threads such as is the case when handling independent web requests, then threading is trivially simple, you just code up the linear flow of how to handle one job, and sit pretty knowing that it will handle multiple requests, and each will be effectively independent. Personally, I would venture that for most programmers, learning the closure/callback mechanism is more complex than simply coding the top-to-bottom thread version. (But yes, if you have to communicate between the threads, life gets really hard really fast, but then I'm unconvinced that the closure/callback mechanism really changes that, it just restricts your options, because this approach is still achievable with threads. Anyway, that's a whole other discussion that's really not relevant here).


4) All the illustrations that I have seen to date that purport to show how much faster Node is than other webservers are horribly flawed, however, they're flawed in a way that does indirectly illustrate one advantage I would definitely accept for Node (and it's by no means insignificant). Node doesn't look like it needs (nor even permits, actually) tuning. If you have a threaded model, you need to create sufficient threads to handle the expected load. Do this badly, and you'll end up with poor performance. If there are too few threads, then the CPU is idle, but unable to accept more requests, create too many threads, and you will waste kernel memory, and in the case of a Java environment, you'll also be wasting main heap memory. Now, for Java, wasting heap is the first, best, way to screw up the system's performance, because efficient garbage collection (currently, this might change with G1, but it seems that the jury is still out on that point as of early 2013 at least) depends on having lots of spare heap. So, there's the issue, tune it with too few threads, you have idle CPUs and poor throughput, tune it with too many, and it bogs down in other ways.

5) There is another way in which I accept the logic of the claim that Node's approach "is faster by design", and that is this. Most thread models use a time-sliced context switch model, layered on top of the more appropriate (value judgement alert :) and more efficient (not a value judgement) preemptive model. This happens for two reasons, first, most programmers don't seem to understand priority preemption, and second, if you learn threading in a windows environment, the timeslicing is there whether you like it or not (of course, this reinforces the first point; notably, the first versions of Java used priority preemption on Solaris implementations, and timeslicing in Windows. Because most programmers didn't understand and complained that "threading doesn't work in Solaris" they changed the model to timeslice everywhere). Anyway, the bottom line is that timeslicing creates additional (and potentially unnecessary) context switches. Every context switch takes CPU time, and that time is effectively removed from the work that can be done on the real job at hand. However, the amount of time invested in context switching because of timeslicing should not be more than a very small percentage of the overall time, unless something pretty outlandish is happening, and there's no reason I can see to expect that to be the case in a simple webserver). So, yes, the excess context switches involved in timeslicing are inefficient (and these don't happen in kernel threads as a rule, btw) but the difference will be a few percent of throughput, not the kind of whole number factors that are implied in the performance claims that are often implied for Node.




欢呼, 托比

