
export class User {
    public login: string;
    public hashedPassword: string;

    constructor(login?: string, password?: string) {
        this.login = login || "" ;
        this.hashedPassword = password ? UserHelper.hashPassword(password) : "";


import { User } from "./models/user";

declare module Express {
    export interface Session {
        user: User;

但它根本不工作- VS Code和tsc看不到它。所以我用简单的类型创建了测试定义:

declare module Express {
    export interface Session {
        test: string;


我还尝试添加/// <reference path='models/user。ts'/>代替导入,但tsc没有看到User类-我怎么能在*d中使用我自己的类。ts文件?

编辑: 我设置tsc在编译时生成定义文件,现在我有了我的user.d.ts:

export declare class User {
    login: string;
    hashedPassword: string;
    constructor(login: string, password: string);

以及用于扩展Express session的自己的打字文件:

import { User } from "./models/user";
declare module Express {
    export interface Session {
        user: User;
        uuid: string;




如果你有一个环境模块声明(即,没有任何顶级导入/导出),它是全局可用的,不需要显式地将它导入到任何地方,但如果你有一个模块声明,你将需要在消费者文件中导入它。 如果你想在你的环境模块声明中导入一个现有的类型(它是从其他文件导出的),你不能用顶级导入(因为那样它就不是环境声明了)。

如果你这样做: (https://stackoverflow.com/a/39132319/2054671)

// index.d.ts
import { User } from "./models/user";
declare module 'express' {
  interface Session {
    user: User;
    uuid: string;



so, to import an existing type exported from another file, you have to import it inside the declare block (talking about this example, in other examples where you are not declaring a module, you can import inline at other places) to do this, you cannot use a regular import like this declare module B { import A from '../A' const a: A; } because in current implementation, the rules for resolution of this imported module are confusing, and hence ts does not allow this. This is the reason for the error Import or export declaration in an ambient module declaration cannot reference module through relative module name. (I am not able to find the link to the relevant github issue, if someone finds it, please edit this answer and mention. https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1720) Please note, you can still do something like this: declare module B { import React from 'react'; const a: A; } because this is an absolute path import and not a relative path import. so the only way to correctly do this in an ambient module is using the dynamic import syntax (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-9.html#import-types) declare namespace Express { interface Request { user: import("./user").User; } } as mentioned in the accepted answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/51114250/2054671) you can also do a global augmentation with something like this: import express = require('express'); import { User } from "../models/user"; declare global { namespace Express { interface Session { user: User; uuid: string; } } } but remember global augmentation is only possible in a module not an ambient declaration, so this would work only if you import it in the consumer file, as mentioned in @masa's answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/55721549/2054671)


你可以使用/// <引用类型="../.. "/a" />指令 / / ambientA.d.ts 接口A { t:字符串 } / / ambientB.d.ts /// <引用类型="../ambientA.d. "ts " / > 声明模块B { a: a; 导出{a}; }








declare global { ... }


// begin file: custom_command_login.ts

import { foo } from './utils';

Cypress.Commands.add('logIn', () => {
   // ...


// add custom command to Cypress namespace
// so that intellisense will correctly show the new command
// cy.logIn

declare global {
  namespace Cypress {
    interface Chainable {

// end file: custom_command_login.ts


如果你有一个环境模块声明(即,没有任何顶级导入/导出),它是全局可用的,不需要显式地将它导入到任何地方,但如果你有一个模块声明,你将需要在消费者文件中导入它。 如果你想在你的环境模块声明中导入一个现有的类型(它是从其他文件导出的),你不能用顶级导入(因为那样它就不是环境声明了)。

如果你这样做: (https://stackoverflow.com/a/39132319/2054671)

// index.d.ts
import { User } from "./models/user";
declare module 'express' {
  interface Session {
    user: User;
    uuid: string;



so, to import an existing type exported from another file, you have to import it inside the declare block (talking about this example, in other examples where you are not declaring a module, you can import inline at other places) to do this, you cannot use a regular import like this declare module B { import A from '../A' const a: A; } because in current implementation, the rules for resolution of this imported module are confusing, and hence ts does not allow this. This is the reason for the error Import or export declaration in an ambient module declaration cannot reference module through relative module name. (I am not able to find the link to the relevant github issue, if someone finds it, please edit this answer and mention. https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1720) Please note, you can still do something like this: declare module B { import React from 'react'; const a: A; } because this is an absolute path import and not a relative path import. so the only way to correctly do this in an ambient module is using the dynamic import syntax (https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-9.html#import-types) declare namespace Express { interface Request { user: import("./user").User; } } as mentioned in the accepted answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/51114250/2054671) you can also do a global augmentation with something like this: import express = require('express'); import { User } from "../models/user"; declare global { namespace Express { interface Session { user: User; uuid: string; } } } but remember global augmentation is only possible in a module not an ambient declaration, so this would work only if you import it in the consumer file, as mentioned in @masa's answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/55721549/2054671)


你可以使用/// <引用类型="../.. "/a" />指令 / / ambientA.d.ts 接口A { t:字符串 } / / ambientB.d.ts /// <引用类型="../ambientA.d. "ts " / > 声明模块B { a: a; 导出{a}; }




我们可以导入User并多次重用它,而不需要写入导入("./ User ")。用户无处不在, 甚至实现它或重新导出它。

declare namespace Express {
    type User = import('./user').User;

    export interface Request {
        user: User;
        target: User;
        friend: User;

    export class SuperUser implements User {
        superPower: string;

    export { User as ExpressUser }




import express = require('express');
import { User } from "../models/user";

declare global {
    namespace Express {
        interface Session {
            user: User;
            uuid: string;

在main index.ts中:

import express from 'express';
import session from 'express-session';
import own from './types/own';

const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    let username = req!.session!.user.login;





这就是为什么我们在这里讨论的所有解决方案都不管用。但幸运的是,自TS 2.9以来,我们能够使用import()语法将类型导入到全局模块声明中:

declare namespace Express {
  interface Request {
    user: import("./user").User;

输入import("./user"). user;做的魔法,现在一切工作:)