

Number of data nodes: 3 Data node machine spec: CPU: Core i7-4790 (# of cores: 4, # of threads: 8) RAM: 32GB (8GB x 4) HDD: 8TB (2TB x 4) Network: 1Gb Spark version: 1.0.0 Hadoop version: 2.4.0 (Hortonworks HDP 2.1) Spark job flow: sc.textFile -> filter -> map -> filter -> mapToPair -> reduceByKey -> map -> saveAsTextFile Input data Type: single text file Size: 165GB Number of lines: 454,568,833 Output Number of lines after second filter: 310,640,717 Number of lines of the result file: 99,848,268 Size of the result file: 41GB


——master yarn-client——executor-memory 19G——executor-cores 7——num-executors 3(每个数据节点的executor,使用的内核数一样多) ——master yarn-client——executor-memory 19G——executor-cores 4——num-executor 3(内核数减少) ——master yarn-client——executor-memory 4G——executor-cores 2——num-executor 12(内核少,executor多)


50分15秒 55分48秒 12分23秒

令我惊讶的是,(3)要快得多。 我认为(1)会更快,因为洗牌时执行者之间的交流会更少。 虽然(1)的核数比(3)少,但核数不是关键因素,因为2)的表现很好。






第一:从start到reduceByKey: CPU密集型,没有网络活动 第二:reduceByKey: CPU降低后,网络I/O完成。





尝试设置executor num等于blocks count,我认为可以更快。



尝试设置executor num等于blocks count,我认为可以更快。

根据Sandy Ryza的说法,当你在HDFS上运行spark应用程序时

我注意到HDFS客户端有大量并发的问题 线程。粗略估计,每个执行者最多可以执行5个任务 实现全写吞吐量,所以最好保持数量 每个执行程序的内核数低于这个数字。


在2.)配置中,您减少了并行任务,因此我认为您的比较是不公平的。 使——num-executors至少为5。 因此,与1.)配置中的21个任务相比,您将有20个任务正在运行。 这样比较对我来说就公平了。


I haven't played with these settings myself so this is just speculation but if we think about this issue as normal cores and threads in a distributed system then in your cluster you can use up to 12 cores (4 * 3 machines) and 24 threads (8 * 3 machines). In your first two examples you are giving your job a fair number of cores (potential computation space) but the number of threads (jobs) to run on those cores is so limited that you aren't able to use much of the processing power allocated and thus the job is slower even though there is more computation resources allocated.



SPARK DEFINITIONS: It may be useful to provide some simple definitions for the Spark nomenclature: Node: A server Worker Node: A server that is part of the cluster and are available to run Spark jobs Master Node: The server that coordinates the Worker nodes. Executor: A sort of virtual machine inside a node. One Node can have multiple Executors. Driver Node: The Node that initiates the Spark session. Typically, this will be the server where sparklyr is located. Driver (Executor): The Driver Node will also show up in the Executor list.