
Set<String> flavors = new HashSet<String>() {{
    add("butter pecan");








Overall, DBI strikes me as something of an intellectual curiousity. Coobird and others point out you can achieve the same effect with Arrays.asList, varargs methods, Google Collections, and the proposed Java 7 Collection literals. Newer JVM languages like Scala, JRuby, and Groovy also offer concise notations for list construction, and interoperate well with Java. Given that DBI clutters up the classpath, slows down class loading a bit, and makes the code a tad more obscure, I'd probably shy away from it. However, I plan to spring this on a friend who's just gotten his SCJP and loves good natured jousts about Java semantics! ;-) Thanks everyone!

7/2017: Baeldung很好地总结了双大括号初始化,并认为这是一种反模式。

2017年12月12日:@Basil Bourque指出,在新的Java 9中,你可以说:

Set<String> flavors = Set.of("vanilla", "strawberry", "chocolate", "butter pecan");




static public Set<T> setOf(T ... elements) {
    Set set=new HashSet<T>(elements.size());
    for(T elm: elements) { set.add(elm); }
    return set;





I was surprised to find that in most of the run tests the internal initiation was actually faster (almost double in some cases). When working with large numbers the benefit seems to fade away. Interestingly, the case that creates 3 objects on the loop loses it's benefit rans out sooner than on the other cases. I am not sure why this is happening and more testing should be done to reach any conclusions. Creating concrete implementations may help to avoid the class definition to be reloaded (if that's what's happening) However, it is clear that not much overhead it observed in most cases for the single item building, even with large numbers. One set back would be the fact that each of the double brace initiations creates a new class file that adds a whole disk block to the size of our application (or about 1k when compressed). A small footprint, but if it's used in many places it could potentially have an impact. Use this 1000 times and you are potentially adding a whole MiB to you applicaiton, which may be concerning on an embedded environment. My conclusion? It can be ok to use as long as it is not abused.




List<String> aList = Arrays.asList("vanilla", "strawberry", "chocolate");



这将为每个成员调用add()。如果你能找到一种更有效的方法将项放入散列集中,那么就使用它。注意,内部类可能会生成垃圾,如果您对此很敏感的话。 在我看来,上下文似乎是new返回的对象,也就是HashSet。 如果你需要问…更有可能的是:在你之后的人会知道这一点吗?它容易理解和解释吗?如果两个问题你都能回答“是”,那就随便用吧。

There's generally nothing particularly inefficient about it. It doesn't generally matter to the JVM that you've made a subclass and added a constructor to it-- that's a normal, everyday thing to do in an object-oriented language. I can think of quite contrived cases where you could cause an inefficiency by doing this (e.g. you have a repeatedly-called method that ends up taking a mixture of different classes because of this subclass, whereas ordinary the class passed in would be totally predictable-- in the latter case, the JIT compiler could make optimisations that are not feasible in the first). But really, I think the cases where it'll matter are very contrived.



As for (3), that really depends on who's maintaining your code, I guess. If you don't know this in advance, then a benchmark that I would suggest using is "do you see this in the source code to the JDK?" (in this case, I don't recall seeing many anonymous initialisers, and certainly not in cases where that's the only content of the anonymous class). In most moderately sized projects, I'd argue you're really going to need your programmers to understand the JDK source at some point or other, so any syntax or idiom used there is "fair game". Beyond that, I'd say, train people on that syntax if you have control of who's maintaining the code, else comment or avoid.