如何查看实体框架生成的SQL ?



EF Core 5.0+

这个期待已久的功能在EF Core 5.0中可用!这是每周的状态更新:

var query = context.Set<Customer>().Where(c => c.City == city); Console.WriteLine(query.ToQueryString()) results in this output when using the SQL Server database provider: DECLARE p0 nvarchar(4000) = N'London'; SELECT [c].[CustomerID], [c].[Address], [c].[City], [c].[CompanyName], [c].[ContactName], [c].[ContactTitle], [c].[Country], [c].[Fax], [c].[Phone], [c].[PostalCode], [c].[Region] FROM [Customers] AS [c] WHERE [c].[City] = @__city_0 Notice that declarations for parameters of the correct type are also included in the output. This allows copy/pasting to SQL Server Management Studio, or similar tools, such that the query can be executed for debugging/analysis.

哦吼! !




在不更改代码的情况下,使查询始终方便 将它添加到你的DbContext中,并在visual studio的输出窗口中检查它。

    protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        Database.Log = (query)=> Debug.Write(query);

类似于@Matt Nibecker的答案,但有了这个答案,你不必每次需要查询时都将它添加到当前代码中。

从EF6.1开始,您可以使用拦截器来注册数据库记录器。 请参见“拦截器”和“记录数据库操作”章节

      <interceptor type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Interception.DatabaseLogger, EntityFramework"> 
          <parameter value="C:\Temp\LogOutput.txt"/> 
          <parameter value="true" type="System.Boolean"/> 

SQL Management Studio => Tools => SQL Server分析器

File =>新建跟踪…

使用Template =>空白

事件选择=> T-SQL






To view the SQL that will be generated, simply call ToTraceString(). You can add it into your watch window and set a breakpoint to see what the query would be at any given point for any LINQ query. You can attach a tracer to your SQL server of choice, which will show you the final query in all its gory detail. In the case of MySQL, the easiest way to trace the queries is simply to tail the query log with tail -f. You can learn more about MySQL's logging facilities in the official documentation. For SQL Server, the easiest way is to use the included SQL Server profiler.