ARM has two different instruction encoding modes: ARM and THUMB. In ARM mode, you get access to all instructions, and the encoding is extremely simple and fast to decode. Unfortunately, ARM mode code tends to be fairly large, so it's fairly common for a program to occupy around twice as much memory as Intel code would. Thumb mode attempts to mitigate that. It still uses quite a regular instruction encoding, but reduces most instructions from 32 bits to 16 bits, such as by reducing the number of registers, eliminating predication from most instructions, and reducing the range of branches. At least in my experience, this still doesn't usually give quite as dense of coding as x86 code can get, but it's fairly close, and decoding is still fairly simple and straightforward. Lower code density means you generally need at least a little more memory and (generally more seriously) a larger cache to get equivalent performance.
At one time Intel put a lot more emphasis on speed than power consumption. They started emphasizing power consumption primarily on the context of laptops. For laptops their typical power goal was on the order of 6 watts for a fairly small laptop. More recently (much more recently) they've started to target mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.) For this market, they're looking at a couple of watts or so at most. They seem to be doing pretty well at that, though their approach has been substantially different from ARM's, emphasizing fabrication technology where ARM has mostly emphasized micro-architecture (not surprising, considering that ARM sells designs, and leaves fabrication to others).
Depending on the situation, a CPU's energy consumption is often more important than its power consumption though. At least as I'm using the terms, power consumption refers to power usage on a (more or less) instantaneous basis. Energy consumption, however, normalizes for speed, so if (for example) CPU A consumes 1 watt for 2 seconds to do a job, and CPU B consumes 2 watts for 1 second to do the same job, both CPUs consume the same total amount of energy (two watt seconds) to do that job--but with CPU B, you get results twice as fast.
The core difference between those in this aspect is that ARM instructions operate only on registers with a few instructions for loading and storing data from/to memory while x86 can use memory or register operands with ALU instructions, sometimes getting the same work done in fewer instructions. Sometimes more because ARM has its own useful tricks like loading a pair of registers in one instruction, or using a shifted register as part of another operation. Up until ARMv8 / AArch64, ARM was a native 32 bit architecture, favoring four byte operations over others.
To answer your question "Is the x86 Architecture specially designed to work with a keyboard while ARM expects to be mobile?". x86 isn't specially designed to work with a keyboard just like ARM isn't designed specifically for mobile. However, again because of the core architectural choices, x86 also has instructions to work directly with a separate IO address space, while ARM does not. Instead, ARM uses memory-mapped IO for everything, including reading/writing PCI IO space. (Which is rarely needed with modern devices because it's slow on x86. e.g. modern USB controllers, so accessing USB-connected devices is as efficient as the USB controller makes it.)
An ARM processor is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) processor. Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) processors, like the x86, have a rich instruction set capable of doing complex things with a single instruction. Such processors often have significant amounts of internal logic that decode machine instructions to sequences of internal operations (microcode). RISC architectures, in contrast, have a smaller number of more general purpose instructions, that might be executed with significantly fewer transistors, making the silicon cheaper and more power efficient. Like other RISC architectures, ARM cores have a large number of general-purpose registers and many instructions execute in a single cycle. It has simple addressing modes, where all load/store addresses can be determined from register contents and instruction fields.
例如,如果你的应用程序中需要某种字节内存比较块(由编译器生成,跳过细节),这就是在x86上的情况,如果优化代码大小而不是速度。(在现代cpu上,rep movsb / rep stosb是非常快的,条件-rep比较指令不是。)
repe cmpsb /* repeat while equal compare string bytewise */
ldrb r2, [r0, #1]! /* load a byte from address in r0 into r2, increment r0 after */
ldrb r3, [r1, #1]! /* load a byte from address in r1 into r3, increment r1 after */
subs r2, r3, r2 /* subtract r2 from r3 and put result into r2 */
beq top /* branch(/jump) if result is zero */
较低的电路板成本 低功率(注1) 容易制造 较小的外形尺寸
ARM架构最初是为Acorn个人计算机(参见Acorn Archimedes,大约在1987年和RiscPC)设计的,它是基于键盘的个人计算机,就像基于x86的IBM PC模型一样多。只有后来的ARM实现才主要针对移动和嵌入式市场。
最初,性能大致相当的简单RISC cpu可以由比英特尔x86开发团队小得多的工程团队(参见Berkeley RISC)设计。
平衡很好,调得很好,引擎。具有良好的加速度和最高速度。 出色的追逐,刹车和悬挂。能快速停车,能不减速过弯。
大引擎,大燃油泵。最高速度和加速都很出色,但耗油很多。 糟糕的刹车,如果你想减速,你需要在你的日记里预约。 转向很糟糕,你必须在拐弯处减速。
Arm has more registers. Arm has few special purpose registers, x86 is all special purpose registers (so less moving stuff around). Arm has few memory access commands, only load/store register. Arm is internally Harvard architecture my design. Arm is simple and fast. Arm instructions are architecturally single cycle (except load/store multiple). Arm instructions often do more than one thing (in a single cycle). Where more that one Arm instruction is needed, such as the x86's looping store & auto-increment, the Arm still does it in less clock cycles. Arm has more conditional instructions. Arm's branch predictor is trivially simple (if unconditional or backwards then assume branch, else assume not-branch), and performs better that the very very very complex one in the x86 (there is not enough space here to explain it, not that I could). Arm has a simple consistent instruction set (you could compile by hand, and learn the instruction set quickly).
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