Chrome for Android有这样的技术吗?我没有找到任何背景。 当我想强迫浏览器下载一些javascript或css文件,而不是使用一个缓存时,我该怎么做?
Chrome for Android有这样的技术吗?我没有找到任何背景。 当我想强迫浏览器下载一些javascript或css文件,而不是使用一个缓存时,我该怎么做?
Connect the Android device to your PC with a USB cable and open Chrome on your desktop. Right-click anywhere on a page and select "Inspect". Click the three-dot menu and select "Remote devices" under the "More tools" menu: In the panel that opens, select your device and then the "Inspect" button next to the name of the tab on your phone that needs to be refreshed: In the window that opens, click the "Network" tab and check the "Disable cache" checkbox: Reload the page on your phone or using the reload button in the DevTools window.
注意:如果你的手机没有出现在设备列表中: 确保USB连接使用的是文件传输模式,而不是简单的充电 尝试重新启动ADB或运行ADB设备,看看设备是否被检测到
菜单 设置 隐私 清除浏览数据 选择“缓存”并按“清除”
启动Chrome Android应用程序 点击菜单查看更多选项。 从选项列表中选择“设置”。 向下滚动并点击“站点设置”选项卡。 在“站点设置”中打开“数据存储”选项卡。 点击要删除存储的站点URL。 点击“清除&重置”命令按钮。 刷新网站页面。
另一种解决方案是用一个新的url参数附加url 例如,website.com?a=1, website.com?a=2,等等。
当然,如果已经有参数,则可以使用&号 如website.com ? q =测试= 1
最新版本的Chrome缓存非常激进。甚至像“http://url?”Updated =datecode"停止工作。您必须每次都清除缓存或启动一个隐身窗口(并确保数据保存程序关闭)。
At first I tried some of the fairly simple solutions shared here, but without success (for example clearing the recent history of the specific site, but not months and months of it). My latest CSS would however not be applied apon refresh. And that even though I had already employed the version-number-trick in the CSS file-call in the head section of the html which had helped me avoid these pesky aggressive cachings in the past. (example: link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=001" where you upgrade this pseudo-version number every time you make a change to a CSS file, e.g. 001, 002, 003, 004... (should be done in every html file of the site))
Explanation: The latest CSS file version was now finally applied on Android when refreshing the html page in question because the cached copy of the CSS file had now been updated when the CSS file was called from a differently named temporary html page that did not exist anywhere in the browser history and that I could delete again afterwards. The aggressive caching apparently ignored the CSS URL and went instead by the HTML URL, even though it was the CSS file that needed to be updated in the cache.