
"Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4


这个问题已经在m2e 1.5.0中修复,该版本可用于Eclipse Kepler(4.3)和Luna (4.4)


这个问题是由于STS (Spring IDE/Eclipse),以及Eclipse和其他基于Eclipse的IDE使用m2e(clipse)插件,但是Eclipse: Eclipse可能已经在项目上运行了。当m2e遇到"var" .classpath条目时,它抛出此错误。

更新站点指定在以下url: http://eclipse.org/m2e/m2e-downloads.html

如果你因为任何原因不能使用m2e 1.5.0,那么:

Disable the maven nature for the project (via the right-click menu) Run mvn eclipse:clean (while your project is open in STS/eclipse). Depending on the timing, you might need to do a refresh or two on the project before re-enabling the maven nature. You should be able to see that your project has lost it's Maven nature. (The eclipse:clean goal just deletes the .project, .classpath and .settings/ files/directories. You can also just remove those files (again while the project is open) instead of running mvn eclipse:clean.) Re-enable the maven nature. (Most of the time, this can be done by right-clicking on the project in question in the package explorer pane, and then choosing 'Configure'-> 'Convert to Maven Project')


在此情况下解决: 取消要更新的项目文件夹。 再次运行maven更新,然后使用工具进行代码覆盖。

I tried Marco's steps but no luck. Instead if you just get the latest m2e plugin from the link he provides and one by one right click on each project -> Maven -> Update Dependencies the error still pops up but the issue is resolved. That is to say the warnings disappear in the Markers view. I encountered this issue after importing some projects into SpringSource Tool Suite (STS). When I returned to my Eclipse Juno installation the warnings were displaying. Seeing that I had m2e 1.1 already installed I tried Marco's steps to no avail. Getting the latest version fixed it however.

确保您正在运行的m2e(clipse)插件的版本至少为1.1.0 关闭maven项目-右键单击“关闭项目” 手动删除。classpath文件中所有带有kind="var"的classpathentry 开放项目


删除maven项目 手动清除.classpath 4再导入项目


如果您有导入项目到eclipse 4,请删除它。 在maven consol中,运行:mvn eclipse:clean Eclipse 4: File -> Import -> Maven ->现有Maven项目

右键单击项目,选择Maven -> Remove Maven Nature。 打开你的终端,进入你的项目文件夹,执行mvn eclipse:clean 右键单击您的项目,选择“配置->转换为Maven项目”

现在你的“Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4 Eclipse Scala”消失了。

我无法让mvn eclipse:clean等与开普勒一起工作。




我只是删除了.classpath(用eclipse编辑)中包含var的所有行,并使用maven ->更新项目而没有出现错误。

有时,即使重新导入Maven项目也无法工作。在eclipse中正确地更新项目并不是一个确定的过程。 我发现的唯一100%安全的程序是:

Disable Maven Nature, run mvn eclipse:clean, restart, cross your fingers and Pray 3 times. If this won't work, delete the project, run mvn eclipse:clean, re-import refresh, pray and use the force. If this still doesn't work, restart Eclipse, or even better your computer. While waiting for the reboot, you can make a random donation to fix your Karma. Repeat step 2 and don't forget to pray and control your anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Try all the other answers posted in this thread. You might need to try them all for 3 times at least before giving up. Format your Computer, re-install Eclipse and Maven. No need to pray anymore, all gods hate you anyway Delete your git project, burn the physical drive that stored the remote repository, and write your project from scratch. Find a time machine, travel to the past and convince yourself to follow another, non-programming career or at least to avoid Java

这个问题(https://bugs.eclipse.org/394042)在m2e 1.5.0中得到修复,该版本可用于Eclipse Kepler和Luna:


如果你也使用m2e-wtp,你还需要安装m2e-wtp 1.1.0:



我刚刚为Java 1.8支持添加了一些组件。似乎它们不像我想的那样兼容,或者是我把它们混错了。这真的引起了很多问题。尝试更新系统时报告错误,因为它们无法满足某些依赖项。Maven升级不起作用。我尝试了很多东西。

因此,如果没有理由避免升级,只需将luna存储库添加到可用的软件站点(luna http://download.eclipse.org/releases/luna/)并“检查更新”。最好所有的组件都使用相同的版本,并且有一些不错的新功能。

我尝试了这里提到的所有步骤和类似的问题,但不能解决这个问题。我既不能解决问题,也不能更新我的m2eclipse。所以我安装了Eclipse Luna,它解决了我的问题……尽管这意味着我必须花45分钟来配置我的工作空间中的所有环境。

试一试 mvn clean install eclipse:在DOS命令提示符上执行eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0命令。 暗示你是因为,这招对我很管用!!

我使用Eclipse 4.3.2 (Kepler)和M2E 1.4。X和摸索了好几次这个问题!

在我的情况下,“mvn eclipse:eclipse”命令还生成Checkstyle, PMD和Findbugs配置,所以“mvn eclipse:clean”对我没有帮助,因为它会再次删除所有这些配置文件。


find . -name ".classpath" -delete


在导入项目之前,应该将其转换为eclipse项目 MVN eclipse: eclipse 然后我发现以下错误。 在“导入Maven项目”期间发生了内部错误。不支持的IClasspathEntry kind=4

其中是M2E不识别并因此抛出错误的值kind = "var"。

现在输入这个。 MVN eclipse:干净
