
C: \ Sun jdk \ SDK \ \ bin


C:\Users\Derek\Desktop\eclipse\eclipse\glassfish\setup.xml:161: The following error  occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Derek\Desktop\eclipse\eclipse\glassfish\setup.xml:141: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\Derek\Desktop\eclipse\eclipse\glassfish\setup.xml:137: Please set java.home to a JDK installation

Total time: 1 second
C:\Users\Derek\Desktop\eclipse\eclipse\glassfish>lib\ant\bin\ant -f setup.xml
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\tools.jar
Buildfile: setup.xml



你可能想在Windows/System32文件夹中找到以下文件: ——java.exe ——javaw.exe ——javaws.exe

Because, the path variable is including these files, you can get a headache trying to figure out why the java -version or javac -version keeps pointing to the old JAVA_HOME: rename those files, take out the extension with an underscore, for instance. And then, you only will have to create the JAVA_HOME variable, add it to the path variable (e.g., %JAVA_HOME%) and append the "\bin" particle. This way you need to only change the JAVA_HOME variable pointing to different JRE or JDK and have multiple installations of java just by setting JAVA_HOME.



We need to make a distinction between the two environment variables that are discussed here interchangeably. One is the JAVA_HOME variable. The other is the Path variable. Any process that references the JAVA_HOME variable is looking for the search path to the JDK, not the JRE. The use of JAVA_HOME variable is not meant for the Java compiler itself. The compiler is aware of its own location. The variable is meant for other software to more easily locate the compiler. This variable is typically used by IDE software in order to compile and build applications from Java source code. By contrast, the Windows CMD interpreter, and many other first and third party software references the Path variable, not the JAVA_HOME variable.







JAVA_HOME vs. Path


Path variable is used universally across all operating systems. Because it is defined by the system, and because it's the default variable that's used for locating the JRE, there is almost never any problem running Java applications. Especially not on Windows where the software installers usually set everything up for you. But if you are installing manually, the safest thing to do is perhaps to skip the JAVA_HOME variable altogether and just use the Path variable for everything, for both JDK and the JRE. Any recent version of an IDE software should be able to pick that up and use it.



我不确定以前版本的Oracle/Sun JDK/JRE版本,但至少jdk1.8.0_74的安装程序将搜索路径C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath附加到path变量,并将其放在字符串值的开头。此目录包含到JRE目录中的java.exe、javaw.exe和javaw.exe的符号链接。

因此,至少对于Java 8 JDK,以及独立的Java 8 JRE,不需要为JRE进行环境变量配置。只要你使用安装包来设置它。不过,Windows安装可能会有不同。注意,Oracle JRE是与JDK捆绑在一起的。

如果您发现您的Java JDK配置使用了错误的编译器版本,或者它看起来像魔术一样工作,而没有显式地定义(没有施咒),那么您的环境变量中可能有一个符号链接。你可能需要检查符号链接。


你可能想在Windows/System32文件夹中找到以下文件: ——java.exe ——javaw.exe ——javaws.exe

Because, the path variable is including these files, you can get a headache trying to figure out why the java -version or javac -version keeps pointing to the old JAVA_HOME: rename those files, take out the extension with an underscore, for instance. And then, you only will have to create the JAVA_HOME variable, add it to the path variable (e.g., %JAVA_HOME%) and append the "\bin" particle. This way you need to only change the JAVA_HOME variable pointing to different JRE or JDK and have multiple installations of java just by setting JAVA_HOME.




JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0 [JDK安装目录的位置]


右键单击“我的电脑”图标 选择Properties。 单击屏幕左侧的高级系统设置选项卡 一个预先弹出窗口打开。 点击环境变量按钮。

在“系统变量”下单击“新建”。 输入变量名JAVA_HOME。 输入变量值作为Java Development Kit的安装路径。 单击OK。 单击“应用更改”。

在“system variable”下设置“JAVA Path”

PATH= C:\Program Files\Java\ jdk1.7.0;[带分号的附加值]


