我想在特定的路径上打开标题窗口 我想要尽可能多的窗户和玻璃 我想在每个窗格中运行任意命令,保存在历史记录中 我想要聚焦在脚本末尾的窗口 我希望能快速生成这个 我希望它易于维护
这个文件很容易维护,因为它不像我在其他答案中看到的那样有无数的\ everywhere:
# Create a new session named johndoe, with a first window named Main
# at the specified starting path.
# The -d is for detached mode, which allows me to continue defining the rest of the session
# before attaching to it. Without -d, tmux would open the client right away and
# ignore the rest of the session definition
tmux new -d -s johndoe -n 'Main' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe
# Simulate the user entering some docker command in the first window available
# in the target session named (-t) johndoe
tmux send -t johndoe 'docker compose up -d' Enter
# Create a new window in the target session, with the title 'UI run'
tmux neww -t pers -n 'UI run' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/front-end
# Simulate user entering a command to the first pane
tmux send -t pers:'UI run.0' 'git status --short' Enter
# Split this window horizontally
tmux split-window -t pers:'UI run' -h -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/front-end
# Simulate user entering a command to the second pane in this window
tmux send -t pers:'UI run.1' 'npm run dev' Enter
tmux neww -t johndoe -n 'API run' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/back-end/Api
tmux send -t johndoe:'API run' 'dotnet run --no-build' Enter
# Focus the first window
tmux select-window -t johndoe:'Main'
# Attach the current terminal to the only session available
# (you might want to add "-t johndoe" here if you need several sessions running in parallel)
tmux a -d
alias tmuxjohndoe='. ~/.config/tmux/tmux-sessions/johndoe.conf'
我花了适量的调试时间,弄清楚我需要给johndo .conf文件执行权限:-) 现在无论在哪里,我都要跑!
new -n home
neww -n emacs
neww -n puppet
neww -n haskell
neww -n ruby
selectw -t 1
tmux new-session \; split-window -h \;
[ks@localhost ~]$ │[ks@localhost ~]$
[10] 0:ks@localhost:~* "localhost.localdomain" 19:51 31-янв-16
我想在特定的路径上打开标题窗口 我想要尽可能多的窗户和玻璃 我想在每个窗格中运行任意命令,保存在历史记录中 我想要聚焦在脚本末尾的窗口 我希望能快速生成这个 我希望它易于维护
这个文件很容易维护,因为它不像我在其他答案中看到的那样有无数的\ everywhere:
# Create a new session named johndoe, with a first window named Main
# at the specified starting path.
# The -d is for detached mode, which allows me to continue defining the rest of the session
# before attaching to it. Without -d, tmux would open the client right away and
# ignore the rest of the session definition
tmux new -d -s johndoe -n 'Main' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe
# Simulate the user entering some docker command in the first window available
# in the target session named (-t) johndoe
tmux send -t johndoe 'docker compose up -d' Enter
# Create a new window in the target session, with the title 'UI run'
tmux neww -t pers -n 'UI run' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/front-end
# Simulate user entering a command to the first pane
tmux send -t pers:'UI run.0' 'git status --short' Enter
# Split this window horizontally
tmux split-window -t pers:'UI run' -h -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/front-end
# Simulate user entering a command to the second pane in this window
tmux send -t pers:'UI run.1' 'npm run dev' Enter
tmux neww -t johndoe -n 'API run' -c ~/dev/own/johndoe/back-end/Api
tmux send -t johndoe:'API run' 'dotnet run --no-build' Enter
# Focus the first window
tmux select-window -t johndoe:'Main'
# Attach the current terminal to the only session available
# (you might want to add "-t johndoe" here if you need several sessions running in parallel)
tmux a -d
alias tmuxjohndoe='. ~/.config/tmux/tmux-sessions/johndoe.conf'
我花了适量的调试时间,弄清楚我需要给johndo .conf文件执行权限:-) 现在无论在哪里,我都要跑!
# ~/.tmuxinator/project_name.yml
# you can make as many tabs as you wish...
project_name: Tmuxinator
project_root: ~/code/rails_project
socket_name: foo # Not needed. Remove to use default socket
rvm: 1.9.2@rails_project
pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
- editor:
layout: main-vertical
- vim
- #empty, will just run plain bash
- top
- shell: git pull
- database: rails db
- server: rails s
- logs: tail -f logs/development.log
- console: rails c
- capistrano:
- server: ssh me@myhost
:~$ tmux new-session "tmux source-file ~/session1"
split-window -v 'ipython'
split-window -h
new-window 'mutt'
:~$ echo `alias tmux_s1='tmux new-session "tmux source-file ~/session1"'` >>~/.bashrc
:~$ . ~/.bashrc
:~$ tmux_s1
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