I have the following use case: I would like to be able to push to git@git.company.com:gitolite-admin using the private key of user gitolite-admin, while I want to push to git@git.company.com:some_repo using 'my own' private key. AFAIK, I can't solve this using ~/.ssh/config, because the user name and server name are identical in both cases. As I mostly use my own private key, I have that defined in ~/.ssh/config for git@git.company.com. Does anyone know of a way to override the key that is used for a single git invocation?
git URL重写
这种方法的优点是,一旦设置好,它不需要任何额外的工作来使它正确-例如,您不需要更改远程URL或记住以不同的方式克隆东西- URL重写使它全部工作。
~ / . ssh /配置
# Personal GitHub
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User git
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_id_rsa
# Work GitHub
Host github-work
HostName github.com
User git
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_github_id_rsa
Host *
IdentitiesOnly yes
~ / . gitconfig
name = My Name
email = personal@personal.email
[includeIf "gitdir:~/dev/work/"]
path = ~/dev/work/.gitconfig
[url "github-work:work-github-org/"]
insteadOf = git@github.com:work-github-org/
~ / dev /工作/ gitconfig。
email = work@work.email