Unicode的基础是什么?为什么需要UTF-8或UTF-16? 我在谷歌上研究过这个,也在这里搜索过,但我不清楚。
Unicode的基础是什么?为什么需要UTF-8或UTF-16? 我在谷歌上研究过这个,也在这里搜索过,但我不清楚。
最初,Unicode打算使用固定宽度的16位编码(UCS-2)。Unicode的早期采用者,如Java和Windows NT,围绕16位字符串构建了它们的库。
有关Unicode, UTF-8和UTF-16的更多详细信息,您可以查看这篇文章,
但是为了讨论,让我们假设Joe Average是一个软件开发人员。他坚持说他永远只需要英语,因此他只想使用ASCII码。这对用户Joe来说可能没问题,但对软件开发人员Joe来说就不好了。世界上大约有一半的人使用非拉丁字符,使用ASCII可能是对这些人的不体贴,最重要的是,他正在将他的软件向一个庞大的、不断增长的经济体关闭。
Therefore, an encompassing character set including all languages is needed. Thus came Unicode. It assigns every character a unique number called a code point. One advantage of Unicode over other possible sets is that the first 256 code points are identical to ISO-8859-1, and hence also ASCII. In addition, the vast majority of commonly used characters are representable by only two bytes, in a region called the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Now a character encoding is needed to access this character set, and as the question asks, I will concentrate on UTF-8 and UTF-16.
utf - 8:
1字节:标准ASCII码 2字节:阿拉伯语,希伯来语,大多数欧洲脚本(最明显的不包括格鲁吉亚) 3字节:BMP 4字节:所有Unicode字符
utf - 16:
2字节:BMP 4字节:所有Unicode字符
UTF-8: For the standard ASCII (0-127) characters, the UTF-8 codes are identical. This makes UTF-8 ideal if backwards compatibility is required with existing ASCII text. Other characters require anywhere from 2-4 bytes. This is done by reserving some bits in each of these bytes to indicate that it is part of a multi-byte character. In particular, the first bit of each byte is 1 to avoid clashing with the ASCII characters. UTF-16: For valid BMP characters, the UTF-16 representation is simply its code point. However, for non-BMP characters UTF-16 introduces surrogate pairs. In this case a combination of two two-byte portions map to a non-BMP character. These two-byte portions come from the BMP numeric range, but are guaranteed by the Unicode standard to be invalid as BMP characters. In addition, since UTF-16 has two bytes as its basic unit, it is affected by endianness. To compensate, a reserved byte order mark can be placed at the beginning of a data stream which indicates endianness. Thus, if you are reading UTF-16 input, and no endianness is specified, you must check for this.
Character and string data types: How are they encoded in the programming language? If they are raw bytes, the minute you try to output non-ASCII characters, you may run into a few problems. Also, even if the character type is based on a UTF, that doesn't mean the strings are proper UTF. They may allow byte sequences that are illegal. Generally, you'll have to use a library that supports UTF, such as ICU for C, C++ and Java. In any case, if you want to input/output something other than the default encoding, you will have to convert it first.
Recommended, default, and dominant encodings: When given a choice of which UTF to use, it is usually best to follow recommended standards for the environment you are working in. For example, UTF-8 is dominant on the web, and since HTML5, it has been the recommended encoding. Conversely, both .NET and Java environments are founded on a UTF-16 character type. Confusingly (and incorrectly), references are often made to the "Unicode encoding", which usually refers to the dominant UTF encoding in a given environment.
字符计数:Unicode中存在组合字符。例如,代码点U+006E (n)和U+0303(一个组合波浪号)组成ñ,而代码点U+00F1组成ñ。它们看起来应该是相同的,但是一个简单的计数算法将为第一个示例返回2,为后一个示例返回1。这并不一定是错误的,但也可能不是理想的结果。
代理对:这些在Stack Overflow中经常出现,所以我只提供一些示例链接:
获取字符串长度 删除代理对 回文检查
ASCII -软件仅为给定字符在内存中分配8位字节。它适用于英语,并采用(外来词façade)字符,因为它们对应的十进制值小于128。示例C程序。
UTF-8 - Software allocates one to four variable 8-bit bytes for a given character. What is meant by a variable here? Let us say you are sending the character 'A' through your HTML pages in the browser (HTML is UTF-8), the corresponding decimal value of A is 65, when you convert it into decimal it becomes 01000010. This requires only one byte, and one byte memory is allocated even for special adopted English characters like 'ç' in the word façade. However, when you want to store European characters, it requires two bytes, so you need UTF-8. However, when you go for Asian characters, you require minimum of two bytes and maximum of four bytes. Similarly, emojis require three to four bytes. UTF-8 will solve all your needs.
Unicode是一个相当复杂的标准。不要太害怕,但要做 为一些工作做准备![2]
每个软件开发人员必须绝对、肯定地了解Unicode和字符集(没有借口!)Stack Exchange首席执行官Joel Spolsky的介绍。 为BMP和超越!Unicode联盟的技术总监,后来的副总裁Eric Muller的教程(前20张幻灯片就完成了)
计算机读取字节,而人读取字符,因此我们使用编码标准将字符映射到字节。ASCII是第一个被广泛使用的标准,但只包含拉丁语(7位/字符可以代表128个不同的字符)。Unicode是一个标准,目标是覆盖世界上所有可能的字符(最多可以容纳1,114,112个字符,意味着每个字符最多21位。当前的Unicode 8.0总共指定120,737个字符,仅此而已)。
Every character holds an enumerated position from 0 to 1,114,111 (hex: 0-10FFFF) called a code point. An encoding form maps a code point to a code unit sequence. A code unit is the way you want characters to be organized in memory, 8-bit units, 16-bit units and so on. UTF-8 uses one to four units of eight bits, and UTF-16 uses one or two units of 16 bits, to cover the entire Unicode of 21 bits maximum. Units use prefixes so that character boundaries can be spotted, and more units mean more prefixes that occupy bits. So, although UTF-8 uses one byte for the Latin script, it needs three bytes for later scripts inside a Basic Multilingual Plane, while UTF-16 uses two bytes for all these. And that's their main difference. Lastly, an encoding scheme (like UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE) maps (serializes) a code unit sequence to a byte sequence.
性格:π 代码点:U+03C0 编码形式(编码单位): utf-8: cf 80 utf - 16: 03 c0 编码方案(字节): utf-8: cf 80 utf-16be: 03 c0 utf-16le: c0 03
提示:十六进制数字代表四位,所以两位十六进制数字代表一个字节。 也可以看看维基百科上的平面地图,了解一下字符集布局。