Apparently, Apple documentation can't keep up with App Store changes. Until today, the biggest (optional) display size was a 5.8-Inch Super Retina Display with a resolution of 1125 x 2436 pixels. Currently, it is a 6.5-inch display, but the resolution is nowhere to be found (docs at only mention 5.8-inch display). App store connect doesn't mention the resolution and error message "The dimensions of one or more screenshots are wrong. Learn More." redirects to docs linked above.
模拟器中的6.5英寸(1242 × 2688像素)现在是iPhone 11 Pro Max !
对于最新更新,ituneconconnect 6.5英寸截图应该使用Iphone Xs Max。Iphone XR的截图不匹配。
当新iPhone发布时,你可以遵循iOS人机界面指南。 这些文件通常会在公告发布后不久更新。
模拟器中的6.5英寸(1242 × 2688像素)现在是iPhone 11 Pro Max !
从2019年3月开始,所有iPhone上的新应用程序和应用程序更新,包括通用应用程序,都需要iPhone XS Max的截图。它们还必须使用新的iOS 12 SDK构建,并支持最新的设备。Apple Watch的所有新应用程序和应用程序更新都需要使用watchOS 5 SDK构建,并支持Apple Watch Series 4。
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