注:我已经阅读了Redux (Baobab也是)的文档,并且我也做了相当一部分的谷歌搜索和测试。
it's reliable: we use selectors to dig through the app state and obtain context-relevant information. We know that all the needed data
is in a single store. It avoids all questioning as to where state
issues could be.
it's fast: our store currently has close to 100 reducers, if not more. Even at that count, only a handful of reducers process data on
any given dispatch, the others just return the previous state. The
argument that a huge/complex store (nbr of reducers) is slow is
pretty much moot. At least we've not seen any performance issues
coming from there.
debugging friendly: while this is a most convincing argument to use redux as a whole, it also goes for single store vs multiple
store. When building an app you're bound to have state errors in the
process (programmer mistakes), it's normal. The PITA is when those
errors take hours to debug. Thanks to the single store (and
redux-logger) we've never spent more than a few minutes on any given
state issue.
apis: { // data from various services
api1: {},
api2: {},
components: {} // UI state data for each widget, component, you name it
session: {} // session-specific information
编辑2 -有用的存储工具
Using reducer composition makes it easy to implement "dependent updates" a la waitFor in Flux by writing a reducer manually calling other reducers with additional information and in a specific order.
With a single store, it's very easy to persist, hydrate, and read the state. Server rendering and data prefetching is trivial because there is just one data storage that needs to be filled and rehydrated on the client, and JSON can describe its contents without worrying about store's ID or name.
A single store makes Redux DevTools time travel features possible. It also makes community extensions like redux-undo or redux-optimist easy because they operate on the reducer level. Such "reducer enhancers" can't be written for stores.
A single store guarantees that the subscriptions are called only after the dispatch has been processed. That is, by the time listeners are notified, the state has been fully updated. With many stores, there are no such guarantees. This is one of the reasons Flux needs the waitFor crutch. With a single store, this is not a problem you see in the first place.
Above all, multiple stores are unnecessary in Redux (except for performance edge cases which you are supposed to profile first anyway). We make it an important point in the docs so you are encouraged to learn reducer composition and other Redux patterns instead of using Redux as if it was Flux, and losing its benefits.
Using reducer composition makes it easy to implement "dependent updates" a la waitFor in Flux by writing a reducer manually calling other reducers with additional information and in a specific order.
With a single store, it's very easy to persist, hydrate, and read the state. Server rendering and data prefetching is trivial because there is just one data storage that needs to be filled and rehydrated on the client, and JSON can describe its contents without worrying about store's ID or name.
A single store makes Redux DevTools time travel features possible. It also makes community extensions like redux-undo or redux-optimist easy because they operate on the reducer level. Such "reducer enhancers" can't be written for stores.
A single store guarantees that the subscriptions are called only after the dispatch has been processed. That is, by the time listeners are notified, the state has been fully updated. With many stores, there are no such guarantees. This is one of the reasons Flux needs the waitFor crutch. With a single store, this is not a problem you see in the first place.
Above all, multiple stores are unnecessary in Redux (except for performance edge cases which you are supposed to profile first anyway). We make it an important point in the docs so you are encouraged to learn reducer composition and other Redux patterns instead of using Redux as if it was Flux, and losing its benefits.