
现在我想知道的是,这到底有多危险?如果它损坏了我的程序,那也不算太坏。另一方面,如果它破坏了我程序之外的东西,因为我设法访问了一些完全不相关的内存,那么我想这是非常糟糕的。 我读过很多“任何事情都可能发生”,“细分市场可能是最不坏的问题”,“你的硬盘可能变成粉红色,独角兽可能在你的窗户下唱歌”,这些都很好,但真正的危险是什么?


Can reading values from way outside the array damage anything apart from my program? I would imagine just looking at things does not change anything, or would it for instance change the 'last time opened' attribute of a file I happened to reach? Can setting values way out outside of the array damage anything apart from my program? From this Stack Overflow question I gather that it is possible to access any memory location, that there is no safety guarantee. I now run my small programs from within XCode. Does that provide some extra protection around my program where it cannot reach outside its own memory? Can it harm XCode? Any recommendations on how to run my inherently buggy code safely?

我使用OSX 10.7, Xcode 4.6。



我读过很多“任何事情都可能发生”,“市场细分可能是。 “最不坏的问题”,“你的硬盘可能会变成粉红色,独角兽也可能 在你的窗下唱歌,这是很好的,但真正的 危险吗?


The issue is that you do not know. If your code overwrites something that crashes your program you are fine because it will stop it into a defined state. However if it does not crash then the issues start to arise. Which resources are under control of your program and what might it do to them? I know at least one major issue that was caused by such an overflow. The issue was in a seemingly meaningless statistics function that messed up some unrelated conversion table for a production database. The result was some very expensive cleanup afterwards. Actually it would have been much cheaper and easier to handle if this issue would have formatted the hard disks ... with other words: pink unicorns might be your least problem.




This memory can have any value. There's no way of knowing if the data is valid based on your data type. This memory may contain sensitive information such as private keys or other user credentials. The memory address may be invalid or protected. The memory can have a changing value because it's being accessed by another program or thread. Other things use memory address space, such as memory-mapped ports. Writing data to unknown memory address can crash your program, overwrite OS memory space, and generally cause the sun to implode.




Memcheck is a memory error detector. It can detect the following problems that are common in C and C++ programs. Accessing memory you shouldn't, e.g. overrunning and underrunning heap blocks, overrunning the top of the stack, and accessing memory after it has been freed. Using undefined values, i.e. values that have not been initialised, or that have been derived from other undefined values. Incorrect freeing of heap memory, such as double-freeing heap blocks, or mismatched use of malloc/new/new[] versus free/delete/delete[] Overlapping src and dst pointers in memcpy and related functions. Memory leaks.



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    int n[5];
    n[5] = 1;

    printf("answer %d\n", n[5]);

    return (0);


answer 748418584


这是因为在第一种情况下,赋值给1的函数实际上从未在最终代码中组装(您也可以查看godbolt asm代码)。

(然而,必须注意的是,根据这种逻辑,main甚至不应该调用printf,所以最好的建议是不要依赖于优化器来解决你的UB -而是要知道有时它可能会以这种方式工作)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {
    int n[5];

    if (0)
        n[5] = 1;

    printf("answer %d\n", (exit(-1), n[5]));

    return (0);





此外,我没有看到这里提到有相当现代的未定义行为消毒器(至少在clang)(选项-fsanitize= Undefined)将在第一个例子(但不是第二个)上给出以下输出:

/app/example.c:5:5: runtime error: index 5 out of bounds for type 'int[5]'
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /app/example.c:5:5 in 
/app/example.c:7:27: runtime error: index 5 out of bounds for type 'int[5]'
SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /app/example.c:7:27 in 



https://godbolt.org/z/cGcY7Ta9M(第一个示例和-Ofast clang)



就ISO C标准(该语言的官方定义)而言,在其边界之外访问数组具有“未定义行为”。字面意思是:

行为,在使用不可移植或错误的程序构造或 错误的数据,本标准没有规定 需求


可能的未定义行为包括忽略情况 翻译过程中的行为完全无法预测结果 或以文件化的方式执行程序的特点 环境(有或没有发出诊断消息),到 终止翻译或执行(通过发出 诊断消息)。



That's assuming your program is running under an operating system that attempts to protect concurrently running processes from each other. If your code is running on the "bare metal", say if it's part of an OS kernel or an embedded system, then there is no such protection; your misbehaving code is what was supposed to provide that protection. In that case, the possibilities for damage are considerably greater, including, in some cases, physical damage to the hardware (or to things or people nearby).





实际上,在MacOS X系统上运行的有bug的程序不太可能出现比崩溃更严重的情况。但是完全阻止有bug的代码做一些非常糟糕的事情是不可能的。



关于如何做到这一点的详细信息,请参见Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit。