

Any time an ASP.Net webpage is taking a long time to load (maybe due to a slow database call or whatever), and the user decides they want to navigate to a different page because they are tired of waiting, they can't! The ASP.Net session lock forces the new page request to wait until the original request has finished its painfully slow load. Arrrgh. Anytime an UpdatePanel is loading slowly, and the user decides to navigate to a different page before the UpdatePanel has finished updating... they can't! The ASP.Net session lock forces the new page request to wait until the original request has finished its painfully slow load. Double Arrrgh!


Implement a Custom SessionStateDataStore, which ASP.Net supports. I haven't found too many out there to copy, and it seems kind of high risk and easy to mess up. Keep track of all requests in progress, and if a request comes in from the same user, cancel the original request. Seems kind of extreme, but it would work (I think). Don't use Session! When I need some kind of state for the user, I could just use Cache instead, and key items on the authenticated username, or some such thing. Again seems kind of extreme.




    <add key="aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession" value="true"/>


对于遇到这个问题并且发现没有任何解决方案有用的Mono用户,您没有做错任何事情。 Mono (Issue #19618)中有一个bug,使得SessionStateModule上的SessionStateBehavior无用,所以在Web上设置SessionStateBehavior并不重要。config/pages, Application_BeginRequest,或者在控制器或动作上设置一个属性。什么都不行。我试过了。




// Custom handler that derives from MvcHandler which implements IReadOnlySessionState
public class MvcReadOnlyHandler : MvcHandler, IReadOnlySessionState
    public MvcReadOnlyHandler(RequestContext requestContext) : base(requestContext)
// Custom RouteHandler that derives from `MvcRouteHandler` which
// returns our very own `MvcReadOnlyHandler`
public class MvcConcurrentRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
    protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
        return new MvcReadOnlyHandler(requestContext);
// On Global.asax.cs Application_Start, after all the Routes and Areas are registered
// change only the route handler to the new concurrent route handler
foreach (var routeBase in RouteTable.Routes)
    // Check if the route handler is of type MvcRouteHandler
    if (routeBase is Route { RouteHandler: MvcRouteHandler _ } route)
         // Replace the route handler
         route.RouteHandler = new MvcConcurrentRouteHandler();



Important note: This solution basically makes storing items on the Session unsafe, I don't use this feature so for me it works. You can still add items since ReadOnly does not prevent writing, it is just not locking. If you want to guarantee safe writing, you can add another extension method MapRoute to RouteCollection to use the new router, in order to register routes that doesnt lock. Like that you can register your routes to new MvcConcurrentRouteHandler router or to the existing one for writing.

对于ASPNET MVC,我们做了以下工作:

缺省情况下,设置SessionStateBehavior。通过重写DefaultControllerFactory对所有控制器的动作进行只读 在需要写入会话状态的控制器动作上,用属性标记将其设置为SessionStateBehavior。要求


    protected override SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
        var DefaultSessionStateBehaviour = SessionStateBehaviour.ReadOnly;

        if (controllerType == null)
            return DefaultSessionStateBehaviour;

        var isRequireSessionWrite =
            controllerType.GetCustomAttributes<AcquireSessionLock>(inherit: true).FirstOrDefault() != null;

        if (isRequireSessionWrite)
            return SessionStateBehavior.Required;

        var actionName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
        MethodInfo actionMethodInfo;

            actionMethodInfo = controllerType.GetMethod(actionName, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
            var httpRequestTypeAttr = GetHttpRequestTypeAttr(requestContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod);

            actionMethodInfo =
                    mi => mi.Name.Equals(actionName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && mi.GetCustomAttributes(httpRequestTypeAttr, false).Length > 0);

        if (actionMethodInfo == null)
            return DefaultSessionStateBehaviour;

        isRequireSessionWrite = actionMethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes<AcquireSessionLock>(inherit: false).FirstOrDefault() != null;

         return isRequireSessionWrite ? SessionStateBehavior.Required : DefaultSessionStateBehaviour;

    private static Type GetHttpRequestTypeAttr(string httpMethod) 
        switch (httpMethod)
            case "GET":
                return typeof(HttpGetAttribute);
            case "POST":
                return typeof(HttpPostAttribute);
            case "PUT":
                return typeof(HttpPutAttribute);
            case "DELETE":
                return typeof(HttpDeleteAttribute);
            case "HEAD":
                return typeof(HttpHeadAttribute);
            case "PATCH":
                return typeof(HttpPatchAttribute);
            case "OPTIONS":
                return typeof(HttpOptionsAttribute);

        throw new NotSupportedException("unable to determine http method");


public sealed class AcquireSessionLock : Attribute
{ }




public class TestController : Controller 
    public ActionResult WriteSession()
        var timeNow = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToString();
        Session["key"] = timeNow;
        return Json(timeNow, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    public ActionResult ReadSession()
        var timeNow = Session["key"];
        return Json(timeNow ?? "empty", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

注意:ASPNET会话状态即使在只读状态下仍然可以被写入 模式,不会抛出任何形式的异常(它只是不锁定 保证一致性),所以我们必须小心地在控制器需要写入会话状态的动作中标记AcquireSessionLock。


根本不使用会话 就像joel提到的那样使用session并执行微调。





控件中允许每个会话并发请求的设置 更新的ASP .NET会话状态模块 Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModuleAsync。这个设置是 支持任何可以使用此模块的提供者。 年长的 sessionstate模块System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule 不支持这个。 确保会话状态的使用是线程安全的或 会话中可能出现并发问题



    <add key="aspnet:AllowConcurrentRequestsPerSession" value="true"/>


    <!-- remove the existing Session state module -->
    <remove name="Session" />
    <add name="Session" preCondition="integratedMode" type="Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModuleAsync, Microsoft.AspNet.SessionState.SessionStateModule, Version=, Culture=neutral" />




Drop-in replacement, no changes to your code are needed Scale better than any other centralized store, as no session storage backend is needed. Faster than any other session storage, as no data needs to be retrieved from any session storage Consumes no server resources for session storage. Default non-blocking implementation: concurrent request won't block each other and hold a lock on the session Horizontally scale your application: because the session data travels with the request itself you can have multiple web heads without worrying about session sharing.