这里有一个很好的答案: https://superuser.com/a/651015/299678
mklink /D C:\myLink \\\c$
The helper service will need to pass on all appropriate SCM commands (start/stop, etc.) to the real service. If the real service accepts custom SCM commands, remember to pass those on as well (I don't expect a service that considers UNC paths exotic to use such commands, though...) Things may get a bit tricky credential-wise. If the real service runs under a normal user account, you can run the helper service under that account as well, and all should be OK as long as the account has appropriate access to the network share. If the real service will only work when run as LOCALSYSTEM or somesuch, things get more interesting, as it either won't be able to 'see' the network drive at all, or require some credential juggling to get things to work.
net use Q: \\share.domain.com\share
forfiles /p Q:\myfolder /s /m *.txt /d -0 /c "cmd /c del @path"
net use Q: /delete
The reason why you are able to access the drive in when you normally run the executable from command prompt is that when u are executing it as normal exe you are running that application in the User account from which you have logged on . And that user has the privileges to access the network. But , when you install the executable as a service , by default if you see in the task manage it runs under 'SYSTEM' account . And you might be knowing that the 'SYSTEM' doesn't have rights to access network resources.
To map the drive as persistent as already pointed above. There is one more approach that can be followed. If you open the service manager by typing in the 'services.msc'you can go to your service and in the properties of your service there is a logOn tab where you can specify the account as any other account than 'System' you can either start service from your own logged on user account or through 'Network Service'. When you do this .. the service can access any network component and drive even if they are not persistent also. To achieve this programmatically you can look into 'CreateService' function at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682450(v=vs.85).aspx and can set the parameter 'lpServiceStartName ' to 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService'. This will start your service under 'Network Service' account and then you are done. You can also try by making the service as interactive by specifying SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS in the servicetype parameter flag of your CreateService() function but this will be limited only till XP as Vista and 7 donot support this feature.
net use z: \servername\sharedfolder /persistent:yes
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