我正在寻找一种合理的方法将搜索表示为RESTful url。
xxx == car id
returns car with given id
yyy = garage id
returns garage with given id
Car可以独立存在(因此有/ Car),也可以存在于车库中。如何正确地表示给定车库中的所有汽车?喜欢的东西:
/garage/yyy/cars ?
或者应该改为/cars ?
简而言之,我正在寻找跨模型REST url设计和搜索的指导。
Not all characters needed for a search query are permitted in a URL. Most punctuation and Unicode characters would need to be URL encoded as a query string parameter. I'm wrestling with the same problem. I would like to use XPath in the URL, but not all XPath syntax is compatible with a URI path. So for simple paths, /cars/doors/driver/lock/combination would be appropriate to locate the 'combination' element in the driver's door XML document. But /car/doors[id='driver' and lock/combination='1234'] is not so friendly.
There is a difference between filtering a resource based on one of its attributes and specifying a resource.
For example, since
/cars/colors returns a list of all colors for all cars (the resource returned is a collection of color objects)
/cars/colors/red,blue,green would return a list of color objects that are red, blue or green, not a collection of cars.
To return cars, the path would be
/cars?color=red,blue,green or /cars/search?color=red,blue,green
Parameters in the path are more difficult to read because name/value pairs are not isolated from the rest of the path, which is not name/value pairs.
Returns list of garages (think JSON array here)
Returns specific garage
Returns list of cars in garage
Returns list of all cars in all garages (may not be practical of course)
Returns list of all cars
Returns specific car
Returns lists of all posible colors for cars
Returns list of cars of the specific colors (yes commas are allowed :) )
Returns list of all red,blue, and green cars with 2 doors.
Same idea as the above but a lil more intuitive.
All cars that are red, blue, green and have either two or four doors.
希望这能让你们明白。从本质上讲,你的Rest API应该很容易被发现,并且应该允许你浏览你的数据。使用url而不是查询字符串的另一个优点是,您可以利用web服务器上存在的用于HTTP流量的本机缓存机制。