


当在多个键盘上使用Code Sense时,使用control +来显示可用的补全列表,control +。插入最有可能的补全符,并control + / & shift + control + /在占位符令牌之间移动。所有的键都在键盘的主行下面,这对肌肉记忆有好处。




Xcode代码格式化…当你想要编写代码时,它是你需要的东西之一吗 可读性和外观良好。




通常,当使用Windows编辑器时,您选择一个文本块,无论何时按TAB(或shift TAB)键,所选的文本都会右/左跳转。然后,一旦确定了文本的新位置,就停止按TAB键。


但后来,出于偶然或直觉或其他原因,有一天我发现了一些变通方法,可以达到你在正确的窗口编辑器下可能得到的相同效果。 步骤如下:

Select the text block as you might do under Windows. Instead of pressing TAB, leave your instincts away, and "copy the text block" (typically CTRL+C (yuck)). Then, without deselecting the text, (pressing SHIFT if needed), extend the beginning of the selection and place it on the position you would like your new text to appear. Paste the beforementioned text (typically CTRL+V (yuck again)). Result: The previous text block gets substituted by "the new" one (of course, itself), but the "auto indent" capabilities of Xcode (or someone else, who cares), will auto place the text starting onto the new position we chose in step 3. A big smile appears on your face.


享受! !

在调试器启动时打开调试窗口 更改图像中显示的调试首选项。 要在每次应用程序运行时清除控制台日志,请检查自动清除调试控制台。


Apple's API reference documentation does not show methods inherited from a superclass. Sometimes, though. it's useful to be able to see the full range of functionality available for a class -- including a custom class of your own. You can use the Class Browser (from the Project menu) to display a flat or hierarchical list of all the classes related to a current project. The upper pane on the right hand side of the browser window shows a list of methods associated with the object selected in the browser. You can use the Configure Options sheet to select "Show Inherited Members" to show inherited methods as well as those defined by the selected class itself. You click the small book symbol to go to the corresponding documentation.