


值得注意的是,这里发布的不同方法在完成所需时间方面可能有很大不同。对我来说,我经常有大量的小文件。为了测试哪个性能最好,我在40,693个单独的文件中提取了5.52 GB(5,933,604,999字节)的XML,并运行了我在这里找到的三个答案:

## 5.52 GB (5,933,604,999 bytes) of XML files (40,693 files) 
$xmls = (Get-ChildItem -Path "I:\TestseT\All_XML" -Recurse -Filter *.xml).FullName

#### Test 1 - Plain Replace
$start = Get-Date
foreach ($xml in $xmls) {
    (Get-Content $xml).replace("'", " ") | Set-Content $xml
$end = Get-Date
New-TimeSpan –Start $Start –End $End
# TotalMinutes: 103.725113128333

#### Test 2 - Replace with -Raw
$start = Get-Date
foreach ($xml in $xmls) {
    (Get-Content $xml -Raw).replace("'", " ") | Set-Content $xml
$end = Get-Date
New-TimeSpan –Start $Start –End $End
# TotalMinutes: 10.1600227983333

#### Test 3 - .NET, System.IO
$start = Get-Date
foreach ($xml in $xmls) {
    $txt = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$xml").Replace("'"," ") 
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$xml", $txt)
$end = Get-Date
New-TimeSpan –Start $Start –End $End
# TotalMinutes: 5.83619516833333



$path = "C:\testFile.txt"
$word = "searchword"
$replacement = "ReplacementText"
$text = get-content $path 
$newText = $text -replace $word,$replacement
$newText > $path
(Get-Content file.txt) | 
Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '\[MYID\]','MyValue'}  | 
Out-File file.txt

注意(Get-Content file.txt)周围的括号是必需的:

Without the parenthesis the content is read, one line at a time, and flows down the pipeline until it reaches out-file or set-content, which tries to write to the same file, but it's already open by get-content and you get an error. The parenthesis causes the operation of content reading to be performed once (open, read and close). Only then when all lines have been read, they are piped one at a time and when they reach the last command in the pipeline they can be written to the file. It's the same as $content=content; $content | where ...


# Update-FileText.ps1

#requires -version 2

Updates text in files using a regular expression.

Updates text in files using a regular expression.

Specifies the regular expression pattern.

.PARAMETER Replacement
Specifies the regular expression replacement pattern.

Specifies the path to one or more files. Wildcards are not supported. Each file is read entirely into memory to support multi-line searching and replacing, so performance may be slow for large files.

.PARAMETER CaseSensitive
Specifies case-sensitive matching. The default is to ignore case.

.PARAMETER SimpleMatch
Specifies a simple match rather than a regular expression match (i.e., the Pattern parameter specifies a simple string rather than a regular expression).

.PARAMETER Multiline
Changes the meaning of ^ and $ so they match at the beginning and end, respectively, of any line, and not just the beginning and end of the entire file. The default is that ^ and $, respectively, match the beginning and end of the entire file.

Causes $ to match only linefeed (\n) characters. By default, $ matches carriage return+linefeed (\r\n). (Windows-based text files usually use \r\n as line terminators, while Unix-based text files usually use only \n.)

.PARAMETER Overwrite
Overwrites a file by creating a temporary file containing all replacements and then replacing the original file with the temporary file. The default is to output but not overwrite.

Allows overwriting of read-only files. Note that this parameter cannot override security restrictions.

Specifies the encoding for the file when -Overwrite is used. Possible values for this parameter are ASCII, BigEndianUnicode, Unicode, UTF32, UTF7, and UTF8. The default value is ASCII.


System.String (single-line file) or System.String[] (file with more than one line) without the -Overwrite parameter, or nothing with the -Overwrite parameter.


C:\> Update-FileText.ps1 '(Ferb) and (Phineas)' '$2 and $1' Story.txt

This command replaces the text 'Ferb and Phineas' with the text 'Phineas and Ferb' in the file Story.txt and outputs the content. Note that the pattern and replacement strings are enclosed in single quotes to prevent variable expansion.

C:\> Update-FileText.ps1 'Perry' 'Agent P' Story2.txt -Overwrite

This command replaces the text 'Perry' with the text 'Agent P' in the file Story2.txt.

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,ConfirmImpact = "High")]
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
  [String[]] $Path,

  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 1)]
  [String] $Pattern,

  [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 2)]
  [String] $Replacement,

  [Switch] $CaseSensitive,

  [Switch] $SimpleMatch,

  [Switch] $Multiline,

  [Switch] $UnixText,

  [Switch] $Overwrite,

  [Switch] $Force,

  [String] $Encoding = "ASCII"

begin {
  function Get-TempName {
    do {
      $tempName = Join-Path $path ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFilename())
    while ( Test-Path $tempName )

  if ( $SimpleMatch ) {
      $Pattern = [Regex]::Escape($Pattern)
  else {
    if ( -not $UnixText ) {
      $Pattern = $Pattern -replace '(?<!\\)\$','\r$'

  function New-Regex {
    $regexOpts = [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::None
    if ( -not $CaseSensitive ) {
      $regexOpts = $regexOpts -bor [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase
    if ( $Multiline ) {
      $regexOpts = $regexOpts -bor [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline
    New-Object Text.RegularExpressions.Regex $Pattern,$regexOpts

  $Regex = New-Regex

  function Update-FileText {
    $pathInfo = Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $path
    if ( $pathInfo ) {
      if ( (Get-Item $pathInfo).GetType().FullName -eq "System.IO.FileInfo" ) {
        $fullName = $pathInfo.Path
        Write-Verbose "Reading '$fullName'"
        $text = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($fullName)
        Write-Verbose "Finished reading '$fullName'"
        if ( -not $Overwrite ) {
        else {
          $tempName = Get-TempName (Split-Path $fullName -Parent)
          Set-Content $tempName $null -Confirm:$false
          if ( $? ) {
            Write-Verbose "Created file '$tempName'"
            try {
              Write-Verbose "Started writing '$tempName'"
              Write-Verbose "Finished writing '$tempName'"
              Write-Verbose "Started copying '$tempName' to '$fullName'"
              Copy-Item $tempName $fullName -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Continue
              if ( $? ) {
                Write-Verbose "Finished copying '$tempName' to '$fullName'"
              Remove-Item $tempName
              if ( $? ) {
                Write-Verbose "Removed file '$tempName'"
            catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
              Write-Error $Error[0]
      else {
        Write-Error "The item '$path' must be a file in the file system." -Category InvalidType

process {
  foreach ( $PathItem in $Path ) {
    if ( $Overwrite ) {
      if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("'$PathItem'","Overwrite file") ) {
        Update-FileText $PathItem
    else {
      Update-FileText $PathItem





$FileName =''
$OldLine = ''
$NewLine = ''
$Drives = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem
foreach ($Drive in $Drives) {
    Push-Location $Drive.Root
        Get-ChildItem -Filter "$FileName" -Recurse | ForEach { 
            (Get-Content $_.FullName).Replace($OldLine, $NewLine) | Out-File $_.FullName


Major.Minor.Build.Revision 5.1.16299.98


Get-ChildItem 'C:yourfile*.xml' -Recurse | ForEach {
     (Get-Content $_ | ForEach  { $_ -replace '[MYID]', 'MyValue' }) |
     Set-Content $_