





I'm not sure there's a clear dividing line between a text editor and an IDE. You have the likes of Notepad at one end of the scale, and the best modern IDEs at the other, but there are a lot of thing in between. Most text editors have syntax highlighting; editors aimed at programmers often have various other features such as easy code navigation and auto complete. Emacs even lets you integrate a debugger. The IDEs of even ten years ago had far less features to help programmers than you'd expect of a serious text editor these days.

我喜欢IDE,因为它能在我的指尖提供很多功能。编辑/编译/项目中文件的可见性是我在IDE中所看重的一切。我现在使用Visual Studio,但在以前我使用slikedit,并发现它使我的开发过程比我不使用它时更流畅。

这在很大程度上取决于你在做什么,以及你用什么语言来做。就我个人而言,我倾向于不使用IDE(或“我的IDE包含3 xterm vim运行,运行数据库客户端,和一个bash提示或尾矿日志”,这取决于你广泛的定义IDE)的大部分时间里我的工作,但是,如果我发现自己开发一个platform-native GUI,然后我会找一个瞬间看清IDE——国际海事组织、IDE和图形形式编辑显然是天生的一对。





作为实验,让自己使用一个IDE 30天,然后看看感觉如何。我很想听听你对这次经历的看法。

For me, an IDE is better because it allows faster navigation in code which is important if you have something in your mind to implement. Supposed you do not use an IDE, it takes longer to get to the destination. Your thoughts may be interupted more often. It means more clicks/more keys have to be pressed. One has to concentrate more on the thought how to implement things. Of course, you can write down things too but then one must jump between the design and implementation. Also, a GUI designer makes a big difference. If you do that by hand, it may take longer.