










编译通常是“动态的”,这意味着不再切换到命令行进行编译 调试是集成的,在IDE中拥有调试意味着步进调试器实际上使用就地编辑器来直观地显示执行了哪些代码 IDE通常对您正在使用的语言具有更多的语义知识,并且可以在输入时向您显示可能出现的问题。重构比“搜索替换”强大得多。



Quickly navigating to a type without needing to worry about namespace, project etc Navigating to members by treating them as hyperlinks Autocompletion when you can't remember the names of all members by heart Automatic code generation Refactoring (massive one) Organise imports (automatically adding appropriate imports in Java, using directives in C#) Warning-as-you-type (i.e. some errors don't even require a compile cycle) Hovering over something to see the docs Keeping a view of files, errors/warnings/console/unit tests etc and source code all on the screen at the same time in a useful way Ease of running unit tests from the same window Integrated debugging Integrated source control Navigating to where a compile-time error or run-time exception occurred directly from the error details. Etc!


For me, an IDE is better because it allows faster navigation in code which is important if you have something in your mind to implement. Supposed you do not use an IDE, it takes longer to get to the destination. Your thoughts may be interupted more often. It means more clicks/more keys have to be pressed. One has to concentrate more on the thought how to implement things. Of course, you can write down things too but then one must jump between the design and implementation. Also, a GUI designer makes a big difference. If you do that by hand, it may take longer.

It's really VERY simple. But this answer is a bit of a paradox in that I am discussing something only EMBEDDED level developers ever encounter. The reason this is an odd view is that frankly when I was doing embedded work (the brief time I was making any real money) an IDE would be down right STRANGE and most of your coworkers would wonder why you can't remember enough about SNMP/ASN.1 or whatever protocol you were dealing with to just /do your job/. BUT you can NOT, as far as I know, do a graphical simulation of what your microcontroller is doing in something like /real time/ without an "IDE".

智能感知、集成调试器和即时窗口使我的工作效率大大提高(Visual Studio 2008)。有了一切触手可及的东西,我可以在写代码的时候把一个庞大项目的绝大部分都记在脑子里。微软可能一直在他们的操作系统上犯错,但是Visual Studio是有史以来最好的产品之一。