Spring MVC中@ModelAttribute的目的和用法是什么?
@ModelAttribute将使用您指定的名称(@ModelAttribute(“Testing”)Test Test)创建一个属性,在给定的示例中作为Testing,Test是bean测试,是bean的引用,而Testing将在模型中可用,以便您可以进一步在jsp页面上使用它来检索存储在ModelAttribute中的值。
@ModelAttribute可以用作方法参数/参数,也可以用于方法声明之前。 该注释的主要目的是将请求参数或表单字段绑定到模型对象
对于我的风格,我总是使用@ModelAttribute从spring form jsp捕获对象。例如,我在jsp页面上设计表单,该表单存在commandName
<form:form commandName="Book" action="" methon="post">
<form:input type="text" path="title"></form:input>
public String controllerPost(@ModelAttribute("Book") Book book)
以任何web应用程序为例,无论是Gmail还是Facebook或Instagram或任何其他web应用程序,都是关于最终用户和应用程序或UI和后端应用程序之间交换数据或信息。即使在Spring MVC世界中,也有两种交换数据的方式:
从控制器到UI,以及 从UI到控制器。
使用HTML表单 使用查询参数。
使用HTML表单: 考虑下面的场景,
first read all the data that is submitted that comes in the request using the request.getParameter method. once it reads them, it will convert them into the appropriate Java type using integer.parseInt, double.parseDouble and all the other parse methods that are available based on the data type of the data. once parsed, it will create a object of the model class that we created. For example, in this scenario, it is the user information that is being submitted and we create a class called User, which the Container will create an object of and it will set all the values that come in automatically into that object. it will then handover that object by setting the values to the Controller.
We first need to define a model class, like User, in which the number of fields should exactly match the number of fields in the HTML form. Also, the names that we use in the HTML form should match the names that we have in the Java class. These two are very important. Names should match, the number of fields in the form should match the number of fields in the class that we create. Once we do that, the Container will automatically read the data that comes in, creates an object of this model, sets the values and it hands it over to the Controller. To read those values inside the Controller, we use the @ModelAttribute annotation on the method parameters. When we create methods in the Controller, we are going to use the @ModelAttribute and add a parameter to it which will automatically have this object given by the Container.
@RequestMapping(value = "registerUser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String registerUser(@ModelAttribute("user") User user, ModelMap model) {
model.addAttribute("user", user);
return "regResult";
@ModelAttribute将使用您指定的名称(@ModelAttribute(“Testing”)Test Test)创建一个属性,在给定的示例中作为Testing,Test是bean测试,是bean的引用,而Testing将在模型中可用,以便您可以进一步在jsp页面上使用它来检索存储在ModelAttribute中的值。
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