

什么是Bootstrap ? 它的用途是什么,它如何帮助前端开发? 我还想了解更多细节。


Bootstrap is the world’s most popular and widely used open-source framework for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. It is a front-end framework of HTML. Bootstrap helps in building responsive websites or web applications and a 12-column grid system that helps dynamically adjust the website to a suitable screen resolution. The current version of bootstrap is 4.3.1 and the bootstrap team has also officially announced Bootstrap 5 version and changes like removing jquery from bootstrap. Some of the crucial reasons why the bootstrap framework is most preferable are

它很容易使用 Bootstrap有很大的社区支持 定制可以很容易地完成 它提高了开发速度 响应性 更多详细信息,请登录官方网站:https://getbootstrap.com/

在进行基于Bootstrap的项目时,建议使用Bootstrap 5管理模板。



免责声明:我在过去使用过自举,但我从来没有真正欣赏它实际上是什么,这个描述来自我自己的定义,今天。我知道bootstrap v4已经过时了,但是我发现bootstrap v3的文档更清晰,所以我用了它。标准库不会从根本上改变它所提供的内容。






CSS 组件 Javascript


Plain CSS files that style standard html elements. So, Bootstrap makes your standard elements pretty-looking. e.g. html: <input class="btn btn-default" type="button" value="Input">Click me</button> CSS files that use styling on standard html elements to make them into something that is not a standard html element but is a standard Bootstrap element (e.g. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/components/#progress). In this way Bootstrap extends the list of "standard" web elements in a visually consistent way. e.g. html: <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-left"></span> The CSS classes are designed with jQuery in mind. Internally, Bootstrap uses jQuery selectors to modify the styles on the fly and interact with the DOM, and thus provides the user the same capability. I believe this requires more explanation, so...

使用Javascript / jQuery





我在这里多次提到“标准”这个词,这是有充分理由的。我认为Bootstrap提供的最好的东西是一套好看的标准。你可以随心所欲地修改默认主题,但这是一个比原始html, css和js更好的基线。这就是为什么它被称为“框架”。




简单地说,Bootstrap可以理解为一个前端web框架,它是由Twitter创建的,用于更快地创建设备响应式web应用程序。Bootstrap也可以主要理解为定义在其中的CSS类的集合,可以简单地直接使用。它利用CSS, javascript, jQuery等在后台为Bootstrap元素创建样式,效果和动作。

You might know that we use CSS for styling webpage elements and create classes and assign classes to webpage elements to apply the style to them. Bootstrap here makes the designing simpler since we only have to include Bootstrap files and mention Bootstrap's predefined class names for our webpage elements and they will be styled automatically through Bootstrap. Through this, we get rid of writing our own CSS classes to style webpage elements. Most importantly Bootstrap is designed in such a way that makes your website device responsive and that is the main purpose of it. Other alternates for Bootstrap could be - Foundation, Materialize etc. frameworks.


Bootstrap is an open-source CSS, JavaScript framework that was originally developed for twitter application by twitter's team of designers and developers. Then they released it for open-source. Being a longtime user of twitter bootstrap I find that its one of the best for designing mobile ready responsive websites. Many CSS and Javascript plugins are available for designing your website in no time. It's kind of rapid template design framework. Some people complain that the bootstrap CSS files are heavy and take time to load but these claims are made by lazy people. You don't have to keep the complete bootstrap.css in your website. You always have the option to remove the styles for components that you do not need for your website. For example, if you are only using basic components like forms and buttons then you can remove other components like accordions etc from the main CSS file. To start dabbling in bootstrap you can download the basic templates and components from getbootstrap site and let the magic happen.

Bootstrap是开源的HTML框架。几乎所有浏览器都兼容。基本上大屏浏览器的宽度是>992px和特大号1200px。因此,通过使用Bootstrap定义的类,我们可以调整屏幕分辨率,以显示从小手机到大屏幕的每个屏幕上的内容。我尽量简短地解释。 例如:

<div class="col-sm-3">....</div>
<div class="col-sm-9">....</div>

Bootstrap is the world’s most popular and widely used open-source framework for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. It is a front-end framework of HTML. Bootstrap helps in building responsive websites or web applications and a 12-column grid system that helps dynamically adjust the website to a suitable screen resolution. The current version of bootstrap is 4.3.1 and the bootstrap team has also officially announced Bootstrap 5 version and changes like removing jquery from bootstrap. Some of the crucial reasons why the bootstrap framework is most preferable are

它很容易使用 Bootstrap有很大的社区支持 定制可以很容易地完成 它提高了开发速度 响应性 更多详细信息,请登录官方网站:https://getbootstrap.com/

在进行基于Bootstrap的项目时,建议使用Bootstrap 5管理模板。
