


if (!sessionStorage.getItem(key)) {
    sessionStorage.setItem(key, defaultValue)


You can just use localStorage and remember the date it was first created in session cookie. When localStorage "session" is older than the value of cookie then you may clear the localStorage Cons of this is that someone can still read the data after the browser is closed so it's not a good solution if your data is private and confidental. You can store your data to localStorage for a couple of seconds and add event listener for a storage event. This way you will know when any of the tabs wrote something to the localStorage and you can copy its content to the sessionStorage, then just clear the localStorage


You can just use localStorage and remember the date it was first created in session cookie. When localStorage "session" is older than the value of cookie then you may clear the localStorage Cons of this is that someone can still read the data after the browser is closed so it's not a good solution if your data is private and confidental. You can store your data to localStorage for a couple of seconds and add event listener for a storage event. This way you will know when any of the tabs wrote something to the localStorage and you can copy its content to the sessionStorage, then just clear the localStorage


Window.open ('./page2.html', ")用一个新标签打开page2 window.open('./page2.html','height=100, width=100')在新窗口中用新标签打开page2。




在一个新的选项卡或窗口中打开一个页面将导致一个新的会话 启动。


你可以使用localStorage和它的"storage" eventListener将sessionStorage数据从一个选项卡传输到另一个选项卡。


// transfers sessionStorage from one tab to another
var sessionStorage_transfer = function(event) {
  if(!event) { event = window.event; } // ie suq
  if(!event.newValue) return;          // do nothing if no value to work with
  if (event.key == 'getSessionStorage') {
    // another tab asked for the sessionStorage -> send it
    localStorage.setItem('sessionStorage', JSON.stringify(sessionStorage));
    // the other tab should now have it, so we're done with it.
    localStorage.removeItem('sessionStorage'); // <- could do short timeout as well.
  } else if (event.key == 'sessionStorage' && !sessionStorage.length) {
    // another tab sent data <- get it
    var data = JSON.parse(event.newValue);
    for (var key in data) {
      sessionStorage.setItem(key, data[key]);

// listen for changes to localStorage
if(window.addEventListener) {
  window.addEventListener("storage", sessionStorage_transfer, false);
} else {
  window.attachEvent("onstorage", sessionStorage_transfer);

// Ask other tabs for session storage (this is ONLY to trigger event)
if (!sessionStorage.length) {
  localStorage.setItem('getSessionStorage', 'foobar');
  localStorage.removeItem('getSessionStorage', 'foobar');

我在chrome, ff, safari, ie 11, ie 10, ie9中测试了这个

这个方法“应该在IE8中工作”,但我不能测试它,因为我的IE崩溃,每次我打开一个选项卡....任何选项卡……在任何网站上。(很好的IE) PS:如果你想要IE8支持,你显然需要包括一个JSON垫片。:)

文章全文如下: http://blog.guya.net/2015/06/12/sharing-sessionstorage-between-tabs-for-secure-multi-tab-authentication/


在这个链接中,有一个很好的jsfiddle来测试它。 当跟随target="_blank"的链接时,新窗口上的sessionStorage不是空的