最近新闻中的两个Haskell web框架是Yesod(0.8)和Snap(0.4)。
最近新闻中的两个Haskell web框架是Yesod(0.8)和Snap(0.4)。
首先,我们来谈谈Snap是什么。现在Snap团队在hackage上维护着五个不同的项目:Snap -core、Snap -server、heist、Snap和xmlhtml。snap-server是一个web服务器,它公开了snap-core定义的API。抢劫是一个模板系统。xmlhtml是heist使用的XML/HTML解析和呈现库。snap是一个伞形项目,它把所有这些都粘合在一起,并提供了强大的snap API,使web应用程序可组合和模块化。
Yesod有很多关于黑客的项目。大多数(全部?)都被列在Yesod类别中。一些值得注意的是yesod-core, warp, persistent和hamlet。
Haskell web开发的现实是,它不是一个排他性的-或选择似乎比想象的要少。一般来说,这些项目是非常松散耦合的,并且是相当可互换的。你可以使用warp (Yesod团队的web服务器)、heist (Snap团队的模板系统)和acid-state (Happstack项目的持久性系统)来构建一个网站。您还可以将snap-server与hamlet或persistent一起使用。
That said, the two projects definitely have some differences. The biggest difference I can point out objectively is that Yesod projects typically make heavy use of Template Haskell and quasiquoting to create concise DSLs, while Snap projects stick to building combinator libraries that favor composability. Just about any other differences I can think of will be subjectively biased towards Snap. The umbrella packages named after both projects are obviously going to make specific choices for the above mentioned components, and these choices will be reflected in the project dependencies. But that still doesn't mean that you can't pull in something different and use it as well.
Snap does have sessions and authentication, interfaces to several databases, and nice form handling (here and here) using digestive-functors that includes prepackaged support for arbitrarily nested dynamically sizable lists. These are just some of the growing ecosystem of pluggable snaplets. The sessions and authentication snaplets are written in a way that is back-end agnostic. So with a small amount of glue code you should be able to use it with just about any persistence system you can think of. In the future, Snap will stick with this policy as often as possible.
编辑:关于三大Haskell web框架的更详细的比较,请参阅我最近的博客文章。使用更广泛的概括进行粗略(但可能更有用)的比较,请参阅我的Haskell Web框架比较矩阵
你说的可能是yesod的旧版。最新的yesod版本有html, javascript和css的简单语法。
我不知道你不喜欢Javascript的语法:它是简单的Javascript变量插值。至于CSS Yesod现在有Lucius,它允许你也使用普通的CSS。对于HTML,你可以很容易地使用任何其他你想要的库,包括Heist (Snap使用的)。也就是说,跳过CSS/Javascript语法的Yesod是一件有点有趣的事情,因为Snap甚至没有语法。当然欢迎您使用他们的静态文件解决方案。
首先,我们来谈谈Snap是什么。现在Snap团队在hackage上维护着五个不同的项目:Snap -core、Snap -server、heist、Snap和xmlhtml。snap-server是一个web服务器,它公开了snap-core定义的API。抢劫是一个模板系统。xmlhtml是heist使用的XML/HTML解析和呈现库。snap是一个伞形项目,它把所有这些都粘合在一起,并提供了强大的snap API,使web应用程序可组合和模块化。
Yesod有很多关于黑客的项目。大多数(全部?)都被列在Yesod类别中。一些值得注意的是yesod-core, warp, persistent和hamlet。
Haskell web开发的现实是,它不是一个排他性的-或选择似乎比想象的要少。一般来说,这些项目是非常松散耦合的,并且是相当可互换的。你可以使用warp (Yesod团队的web服务器)、heist (Snap团队的模板系统)和acid-state (Happstack项目的持久性系统)来构建一个网站。您还可以将snap-server与hamlet或persistent一起使用。
That said, the two projects definitely have some differences. The biggest difference I can point out objectively is that Yesod projects typically make heavy use of Template Haskell and quasiquoting to create concise DSLs, while Snap projects stick to building combinator libraries that favor composability. Just about any other differences I can think of will be subjectively biased towards Snap. The umbrella packages named after both projects are obviously going to make specific choices for the above mentioned components, and these choices will be reflected in the project dependencies. But that still doesn't mean that you can't pull in something different and use it as well.
Snap does have sessions and authentication, interfaces to several databases, and nice form handling (here and here) using digestive-functors that includes prepackaged support for arbitrarily nested dynamically sizable lists. These are just some of the growing ecosystem of pluggable snaplets. The sessions and authentication snaplets are written in a way that is back-end agnostic. So with a small amount of glue code you should be able to use it with just about any persistence system you can think of. In the future, Snap will stick with this policy as often as possible.
编辑:关于三大Haskell web框架的更详细的比较,请参阅我最近的博客文章。使用更广泛的概括进行粗略(但可能更有用)的比较,请参阅我的Haskell Web框架比较矩阵