我尝试用display: flex和display: inline-flex样式fieldset元素。



是bug吗?我找不到fieldset应该有任何特殊的行为,无论是在HTML5还是在CSS Flexible Box Layout规范。

字段集,div { 显示:flex; 边框:1px实体; } <自定义字段> foo < p > < / p > 酒吧< p > < / p > < /自定义字段> < div > foo < p > < / p > 酒吧< p > < / p > < / div >


根据Bug 984869 - display: flex不适用于按钮元素,

<button> is not implementable (by browsers) in pure CSS, so they are a bit of a black box, from the perspective of CSS. This means that they don't necessarily react in the same way that e.g. a <div> would. This isn't specific to flexbox -- e.g. we don't render scrollbars if you put overflow:scroll on a button, and we don't render it as a table if you put display:table on it. Stepping back even further, this isn't specific to <button>. Consider <fieldset> and <table> which also have special rendering behavior: data:text/html,<fieldset style="display:flex"><div>abc</div><div>def</div> In these cases, Chrome agrees with us and disregards the flex display mode. (as revealed by the fact that "abc" and "def" end up being stacked vertically). The fact that they happen to do what you're expecting on <button style="display:flex"> is likely just due to an implementation detail. In Gecko's button implementation, we hardcode <button> (and <fieldset>, and <table>) as having a specific frame class (and hence, a specific way of laying out the child elements), regardless of the display property. If you want to reliably have the children reliably arranged in a particular layout mode in a cross-browser fashion, your best bet is to use a wrapper-div inside the button, just as you would need to inside of a <table> or a <fieldset>.


还有Bug 1047590 - display: flex;不工作在<fieldset>,目前“未确认”。

好消息:Firefox 46+实现了<fieldset>的Flexbox。参见bug 1230207。



flex-inner-wrapper {
  display: inherit;
  flex-flow: inherit;
  justify-content: inherit;
  align-items: inherit;

根据Bug 984869 - display: flex不适用于按钮元素,

<button> is not implementable (by browsers) in pure CSS, so they are a bit of a black box, from the perspective of CSS. This means that they don't necessarily react in the same way that e.g. a <div> would. This isn't specific to flexbox -- e.g. we don't render scrollbars if you put overflow:scroll on a button, and we don't render it as a table if you put display:table on it. Stepping back even further, this isn't specific to <button>. Consider <fieldset> and <table> which also have special rendering behavior: data:text/html,<fieldset style="display:flex"><div>abc</div><div>def</div> In these cases, Chrome agrees with us and disregards the flex display mode. (as revealed by the fact that "abc" and "def" end up being stacked vertically). The fact that they happen to do what you're expecting on <button style="display:flex"> is likely just due to an implementation detail. In Gecko's button implementation, we hardcode <button> (and <fieldset>, and <table>) as having a specific frame class (and hence, a specific way of laying out the child elements), regardless of the display property. If you want to reliably have the children reliably arranged in a particular layout mode in a cross-browser fashion, your best bet is to use a wrapper-div inside the button, just as you would need to inside of a <table> or a <fieldset>.


还有Bug 1047590 - display: flex;不工作在<fieldset>,目前“未确认”。

好消息:Firefox 46+实现了<fieldset>的Flexbox。参见bug 1230207。



在Firefox和Safari中,flexbox on fieldset现在工作。在铬中还没有。(见https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=375693)


<div role="group">

可能需要使用角色组,因为firefox, chrome和我认为safari有一个bug与字段集明显。那么CSS中的选择器就是

div[role='group'], div {
    display: flex;
    border: 1px solid;




请在Chrome bug上加星号以增加bug优先级

这是Chrome的一个bug。请在此问题上添加一个星号,以增加其需要修复的优先级: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=375693

与此同时,我创建了这三个Code Pen示例来展示如何解决这个问题。它们是使用CSS Grid为示例构建的,但同样的技术也可以用于flexbox。

用aria- labeling by代替legend



.flex-container {
    display: flex;

<fieldset aria-labelledby="fake-legend">
    <div class="flex-container">
        <div class="flex-child" id="fake-legend">
            I am as good accessibilty wise as a real legend



使用role="group"和aria- labels by代替fieldset和legend



.flex-container {
    display: flex;

<div role="group" class="flex-container" aria-labelledby="fake-legend">
    <div class="flex-child" id="fake-legend">
        I am as good accessibilty wise as a real legend






.screen-reader-only {
    position: absolute;
    opacity: 0;
    pointer-events: none;
.flex-container {
    display: flex;

    <legend class="screen-reader-only">
        I am a real screen-reader accessible legend element

    <div class="flex-container">
        <div class="flex-child" aria-hidden="true">
            I am a fake legend purely for styling purposes





<!-- DO NOT DO THIS! -->
    <div class="flex-container">
        <legend class="flex-child">
            Broken semantics legend text





