什么是最有效的方式来克隆一个JavaScript对象?我已经看到obj = eval(uneval(o));被使用,但它是非标准的,仅支持Firefox.我做了事情,如obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));但质疑效率。
function clone(obj){
if(typeof(obj) == 'function')//it's a simple function
return obj;
//of it's not an object (but could be an array...even if in javascript arrays are objects)
if(typeof(obj) != 'object' || obj.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array')!=-1)
if(JSON != undefined)//if we have the JSON obj
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
return JSON.parse('"'+JSON.stringify(obj)+'"');
return eval(uneval(obj));
return eval('"'+uneval(obj)+'"');
// I used to rely on jQuery for this, but the "extend" function returns
//an object similar to the one cloned,
//but that was not an instance (instanceof) of the cloned class
if(jQuery != undefined)//if we use the jQuery plugin
return jQuery.extend(true,{},obj);
else//we recursivley clone the object
return (function _clone(obj){
if(obj == null || typeof(obj) != 'object')
return obj;
function temp () {};
temp.prototype = obj;
var F = new temp;
for(var key in obj)
F[key] = clone(obj[key]);
return F;
function deepClone(obj) {
* Duplicates an object
var ret = null;
if (obj !== Object(obj)) { // primitive types
return obj;
if (obj instanceof String || obj instanceof Number || obj instanceof Boolean) { // string objecs
ret = obj; // for ex: obj = new String("Spidergap")
} else if (obj instanceof Date) { // date
ret = new obj.constructor();
} else
ret = Object.create(obj.constructor.prototype);
var prop = null;
var allProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); //gets non enumerables also
var props = {};
for (var i in allProps) {
prop = allProps[i];
props[prop] = false;
for (i in obj) {
props[i] = i;
//now props contain both enums and non enums
var propDescriptor = null;
var newPropVal = null; // value of the property in new object
for (i in props) {
prop = obj[i];
propDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, i);
if (Array.isArray(prop)) { //not backward compatible
prop = prop.slice(); // to copy the array
} else
if (prop instanceof Date == true) {
prop = new prop.constructor();
} else
if (prop instanceof Object == true) {
if (prop instanceof Function == true) { // function
if (!Function.prototype.clone) {
Function.prototype.clone = function() {
var that = this;
var temp = function tmp() {
return that.apply(this, arguments);
for (var ky in this) {
temp[ky] = this[ky];
return temp;
prop = prop.clone();
} else // normal object
prop = deepClone(prop);
newPropVal = {
value: prop
if (propDescriptor) {
* If property descriptors are there, they must be copied
newPropVal.enumerable = propDescriptor.enumerable;
newPropVal.writable = propDescriptor.writable;
if (!ret.hasOwnProperty(i)) // when String or other predefined objects
Object.defineProperty(ret, i, newPropVal); // non enumerable
return ret;
解决方案是对原件的顶级属性进行 iterate,创建两个副本,从原件中删除每个属性,然后重新设置原件并返回新副本,它只需要像顶级属性一样多次 iterate。
var obj = namespace[strObjName],
objNew = {},objOrig = {};
for(i in obj){
objNew[i] = objOrig[i] = obj[i];
delete obj[i];
namespace[strObjName] = objOrig;
return objNew;
var namespace = {};
namespace.objOrig = {
var objNew = copyDeleteAndReset(namespace,'objOrig');
objNew['0'] = 'NEW VALUE';
console.log(objNew['0']) === 'NEW VALUE';
console.log(namespace.objOrig['0']) === innerObj:{a:0,b:1,c:2};
我通常使用 var newObj = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(oldObje) );但是,这里有一个更合适的方式:
var o = {};
var oo = Object.create(o);
(o === oo); // => false
_clone: function(obj){
let newObj = {};
for(let i in obj){
if(typeof(obj[i]) === 'object' && Object.keys(obj[i]).length){
newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]);
} else{
newObj[i] = obj[i];
return Object.assign({},newObj);
function clone(obj){
let newObj = {};
for(let i in obj){
if(typeof(obj[i]) === 'object' && Object.keys(obj[i]).length){
newObj[i] = clone(obj[i]);
} else{
newObj[i] = obj[i];
return Object.assign({},newObj);
) )
var obj ={a:{b:1,c:3},d:4,e:{f:6}}
var xc = clone(obj);
console.log(obj); //{a:{b:1,c:3},d:4,e:{f:6}}
console.log(xc); //{a:{b:1,c:3},d:4,e:{f:6}}
xc.a.b = 90;
console.log(obj); //{a:{b:1,c:3},d:4,e:{f:6}}
console.log(xc); //{a:{b:90,c:3},d:4,e:{f:6}}
function cloneObject(obj) {
var clone = {};
for(var i in obj) {
if(typeof(obj[i])=="object" && obj[i] != null)
clone[i] = cloneObject(obj[i]);
clone[i] = obj[i];
return clone;
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