
我知道HTML5提供了三个元素,可以使这成为可能:svg, canvas和div。对于我想做的事情,这些元素中哪一个将提供最佳性能?



For your purposes, I recommend using SVG, since you get DOM events, like mouse handling, including drag and drop, included, you don't have to implement your own redraw, and you don't have to keep track of the state of your objects. Use Canvas when you have to do bitmap image manipulation and use a regular div when you want to manipulate stuff created in HTML. As to performance, you'll find that modern browsers are now accelerating all three, but that canvas has received the most attention so far. On the other hand, how well you write your javascript is critical to getting the most performance with canvas, so I'd still recommend using SVG.




SVG, like HTML, uses retained rendering: When we want to draw a rectangle on the screen, we declaratively use a element in our DOM. The browser will then draw a rectangle, but it will also create an in-memory SVGRectElement object that represents the rectangle. This object is something that sticks around for us to manipulate – it is retained. We can assign different positions and sizes to it over time. We can also attach event listeners to make it interactive. Canvas uses immediate rendering: When we draw a rectangle, the browser immediately renders a rectangle on the screen, but there is never going to be any "rectangle object" that represents it. There's just a bunch of pixels in the canvas buffer. We can't move the rectangle. We can only draw another rectangle. We can't respond to clicks or other events on the rectangle. We can only respond to events on the whole canvas. So canvas is a more low-level, restrictive API than SVG. But there's a flipside to that, which is that with canvas you can do more with the same amount of resources. Because the browser does not have to create and maintain the in-memory object graph of all the things we have drawn, it needs less memory and computation resources to draw the same visual scene. If you have a very large and complex visualization to draw, Canvas may be your ticket.




良好的性能 您可以使用DOM操作它 您可以访问DOM事件 CSS支持 很难做出复杂的形状



更好的形状支撑 伟大的成就 强大的浏览器支持 没有CSS



更好的形状支撑 更难使用 良好的浏览器支持 没有CSS,但有很多不同的SVG 糟糕的性能



Canvas可以具有非常动态的性能,因此让我们回顾一些技巧。 避免使用ctx。Rect和ctx。填充,使用ctx。fillRect代替,这是最大的一个,它可以毁掉即使是最简单的游戏。 不要使用填充和描边的形状,而是使用填充[形状]。



Over the years the performance of SVG has improved a lot and now there is hardware-accelerated CSS transitions and animations for SVG that do not depend on JavaScript performance at all. Of course JavaScript performance has improved, too and with it the performance of Canvas, but not as much as SVG got improved. Also there is a "new kid" on the block that is available in almost all browsers today and that is WebGL. To use the same words that Simon used above: It beats both Canvas and SVG hands down. This doesn't mean it should be the go-to technology, though, since it's a beast to work with and it is only faster in very specific use-cases.





分辨率的依赖 不支持事件处理程序 糟糕的文本渲染能力 您可以将生成的图像保存为.png或.jpg 非常适合图像密集型游戏


分辨率独立 支持事件处理程序 最适合具有大渲染区域的应用程序(谷歌Maps) 如果复杂,呈现速度会很慢(任何大量使用DOM的东西都会如此) 慢) 不适合游戏应用


