[javac] build.xml:9: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set,
defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] build.xml:9: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set,
defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
Chet Hosey在这里写了一个很好的解释:
Historically, Ant always included its own runtime in the classpath made available to the javac task. So any libraries included with Ant, and any libraries available to ant, are automatically in your build's classpath whether you like it or not. It was decided that this probably wasn't what most people wanted. So now there's an option for it. If you choose "true" (for includeantruntime), then at least you know that your build classpath will include the Ant runtime. If you choose "false" then you are accepting the fact that the build behavior will change between older versions and 1.8+. As annoyed as you are to see this warning, you'd be even less happy if your builds broke entirely. Keeping this default behavior allows unmodified build files to work consistently between versions of Ant.
export ANT_OPTS=-Dbuild.sysclasspath=ignore
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}" includeantruntime="false">
<!-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -->
<path id="application" location="${jar.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
<path id="junit" location="${lib.dir}/junit-4.9b2.jar"/>
使用<property name="build. "在build.xml文件中Sysclasspath " value="last"/>
欲了解更多细节,请在Ant javac中搜索includeAntRuntime
<javac includeantruntime="false" ...>...</javac>
这是由特征错误引起的 在Ant 1.8中引入。只要加一个 将该名称的属性添加到javac Task,设置为false,然后忘记它 没有发生过。
是否包含Ant运行时 类路径中的类库;违约 要是的,除非建造。sysclasspath是 集。通常最好将此设置为 False表示脚本的行为不是 对所处环境敏感 它在运行。
Chet Hosey在这里写了一个很好的解释:
Historically, Ant always included its own runtime in the classpath made available to the javac task. So any libraries included with Ant, and any libraries available to ant, are automatically in your build's classpath whether you like it or not. It was decided that this probably wasn't what most people wanted. So now there's an option for it. If you choose "true" (for includeantruntime), then at least you know that your build classpath will include the Ant runtime. If you choose "false" then you are accepting the fact that the build behavior will change between older versions and 1.8+. As annoyed as you are to see this warning, you'd be even less happy if your builds broke entirely. Keeping this default behavior allows unmodified build files to work consistently between versions of Ant.