Java没有委托,并以此为傲:)。从我在这里读到的内容中,我发现了两种伪造委托的方法: 1. 反射; 2. 内部类
Java没有委托,并以此为傲:)。从我在这里读到的内容中,我发现了两种伪造委托的方法: 1. 反射; 2. 内部类
Delegates are a useful construct in event-based systems. Essentially Delegates are objects that encode a method dispatch on a specified object. This document shows how java inner classes provide a more generic solution to such problems. What is a Delegate? Really it is very similar to a pointer to member function as used in C++. But a delegate contains the target object alongwith the method to be invoked. Ideally it would be nice to be able to say: obj.registerHandler(ano.methodOne); ..and that the method methodOne would be called on ano when some specific event was received. This is what the Delegate structure achieves. Java Inner Classes It has been argued that Java provides this functionality via anonymous inner classes and thus does not need the additional Delegate construct.
obj.registerHandler(new Handler() {
public void handleIt(Event ev) {
} );
At first glance this seems correct but at the same time a nuisance. Because for many event processing examples the simplicity of the Delegates syntax is very attractive. General Handler However, if event-based programming is used in a more pervasive manner, say, for example, as a part of a general asynchronous programming environment, there is more at stake. In such a general situation, it is not sufficient to include only the target method and target object instance. In general there may be other parameters required, that are determined within the context when the event handler is registered. In this more general situation, the java approach can provide a very elegant solution, particularly when combined with use of final variables:
void processState(final T1 p1, final T2 dispatch) {
final int a1 = someCalculation();
m_obj.registerHandler(new Handler() {
public void handleIt(Event ev) {
dispatch.methodOne(a1, ev, p1);
} );
final * final * final Got your attention? Note that the final variables are accessible from within the anonymous class method definitions. Be sure to study this code carefully to understand the ramifications. This is potentially a very powerful technique. For example, it can be used to good effect when registering handlers in MiniDOM and in more general situations. By contrast, the Delegate construct does not provide a solution for this more general requirement, and as such should be rejected as an idiom on which designs can be based.
Delegate.With1Param<String, String> greetingsDelegate = new Delegate.With1Param<>();
greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Hello " + str);
greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Goodbye " + str);
DelegateInvocationResult<String> invocationResult =
invocationResult.getFunctionInvocationResults().forEach(funInvRes ->
//prints: "Hello sir" and "Goodbye Sir"
//Create a private Delegate. Make sure it is private so only *you* can invoke it.
private static Delegate.With0Params<String> trimDelegate = new Delegate.With0Params<>();
//Create a public Event using the delegate you just created.
public static Event.With0Params<String> trimEvent= new Event.With0Params<>(trimDelegate)
In order to be threadsafe the parameter array needs to exist uniquely for each invocation of the API method, and for efficiency the same one should be used for every invocation of the callback; I needed a second object which would be cheap to create in order to bind the callback with a parameter array for invocation. But, in some scenarios, the invoker would already have a the parameter array for other reasons. For these two reasons, the parameter array does not belong in the Callback object. Also the choice of invocation (passing the parameters as an array or as individual objects) belongs in the hands of the API using the callback enabling it to use whichever invocation is best suited to its inner workings.
static private final Method COUNT =Callback.getMethod(Xxx.class,"callback_count",true,File.class,File.class);
IoUtil.processDirectory(root,new Callback(this,COUNT),selector);
private void callback_count(File dir, File fil) {
if(fil!=null) { // file is null for processing a directory
if(fil.length()>fileSizeLimit) {
throw new Abort("Failed","File size exceeds maximum of "+TextUtil.formatNumber(fileSizeLimit)+" bytes: "+fil);
IoUtil.processDirectory ():
* Process a directory using callbacks. To interrupt, the callback must throw an (unchecked) exception.
* Subdirectories are processed only if the selector is null or selects the directories, and are done
* after the files in any given directory. When the callback is invoked for a directory, the file
* argument is null;
* <p>
* The callback signature is:
* <pre> void callback(File dir, File ent);</pre>
* <p>
* @return The number of files processed.
static public int processDirectory(File dir, Callback cbk, FileSelector sel) {
return _processDirectory(dir,new Callback.WithParms(cbk,2),sel);
static private int _processDirectory(File dir, Callback.WithParms cbk, FileSelector sel) {
int cnt=0;
if(!dir.isDirectory()) {
if(sel==null || sel.accept(dir)) { cbk.invoke(dir.getParent(),dir); cnt++; }
else {
File[] lst=(sel==null ? dir.listFiles() : dir.listFiles(sel));
if(lst!=null) {
for(int xa=0; xa<lst.length; xa++) {
File ent=lst[xa];
if(!ent.isDirectory()) {
for(int xa=0; xa<lst.length; xa++) {
File ent=lst[xa];
if(ent!=null) { cnt+=_processDirectory(ent,cbk,sel); }
return cnt;
This example illustrates the beauty of this approach - the application specific logic is abstracted into the callback, and the drudgery of recursively walking a directory tree is tucked nicely away in a completely reusable static utility method. And we don't have to repeatedly pay the price of defining and implementing an interface for every new use. Of course, the argument for an interface is that it is far more explicit about what to implement (it's enforced, not simply documented) - but in practice I have not found it to be a problem to get the callback definition right.
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