
>>> human_readable(2048)
'2 kilobytes'




class Filesize(object):
    Container for a size in bytes with a human readable representation
    Use it like this::

        >>> size = Filesize(123123123)
        >>> print size
        '117.4 MB'

    chunk = 1024
    units = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']
    precisions = [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size

    def __int__(self):
        return self.size

    def __str__(self):
        if self.size == 0: return '0 bytes'
        from math import log
        unit = self.units[min(int(log(self.size, self.chunk)), len(self.units) - 1)]
        return self.format(unit)

    def format(self, unit):
        if unit not in self.units: raise Exception("Not a valid file size unit: %s" % unit)
        if self.size == 1 and unit == 'bytes': return '1 byte'
        exponent = self.units.index(unit)
        quotient = float(self.size) / self.chunk**exponent
        precision = self.precisions[exponent]
        format_string = '{:.%sf} {}' % (precision)
        return format_string.format(quotient, unit)



示例代码(python 3.10)

import humanize

disk_sizes_list = [1, 100, 999, 1000,1024, 2000,2048, 3000, 9999, 10000, 2048000000, 9990000000, 9000000000000000000000]
for size in disk_sizes_list:
    natural_size = humanize.naturalsize(size)
    binary_size = humanize.naturalsize(size, binary=True)
    print(f" {natural_size} \t| {binary_size}\t|{size}")


 1 Byte     | 1 Byte    |1
 100 Bytes  | 100 Bytes |100
 999 Bytes  | 999 Bytes |999
 1.0 kB     | 1000 Bytes    |1000
 1.0 kB     | 1.0 KiB   |1024
 2.0 kB     | 2.0 KiB   |2000
 2.0 kB     | 2.0 KiB   |2048
 3.0 kB     | 2.9 KiB   |3000
 10.0 kB    | 9.8 KiB   |9999
 10.0 kB    | 9.8 KiB   |10000
 2.0 GB     | 1.9 GiB   |2048000000
 10.0 GB    | 9.3 GiB   |9990000000
 9.0 ZB     | 7.6 ZiB   |9000000000000000000000

如果有人想知道,要将@Sridhar Ratnakumar的答案转换回字节,您可以执行以下操作:

import math

def format_back_to_bytes(value):
    for power, unit in enumerate(["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]):
        if value[-3:-1] == unit:
            return round(float(value[:-3])*math.pow(2, 10*power))


>>> format_back_to_bytes('212.4GiB')


from pathlib import Path    

def get_size(path = Path('.')):
    """ Gets file size, or total directory size """
    if path.is_file():
        size = path.stat().st_size
    elif path.is_dir():
        size = sum(file.stat().st_size for file in path.glob('*.*'))
    return size

def format_size(path, unit="MB"):
    """ Converts integers to common size units used in computing """
    bit_shift = {"B": 0,
            "kb": 7,
            "KB": 10,
            "mb": 17,
            "MB": 20,
            "gb": 27,
            "GB": 30,
            "TB": 40,}
    return "{:,.0f}".format(get_size(path) / float(1 << bit_shift[unit])) + " " + unit

# Tests and test results
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi")
'38 MB'
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi","KB")
'38,763 KB'
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi","kb")
'310,104 kb'

参考Sridhar Ratnakumar的回答,更新为:

def formatSize(sizeInBytes, decimalNum=1, isUnitWithI=False, sizeUnitSeperator=""):
  """format size to human readable string"""
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Specific_units_of_IEC_60027-2_A.2_and_ISO.2FIEC_80000
  # K=kilo, M=mega, G=giga, T=tera, P=peta, E=exa, Z=zetta, Y=yotta
  sizeUnitList = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']
  largestUnit = 'Y'

  if isUnitWithI:
    sizeUnitListWithI = []
    for curIdx, eachUnit in enumerate(sizeUnitList):
      unitWithI = eachUnit
      if curIdx >= 1:
        unitWithI += 'i'

    # sizeUnitListWithI = ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']
    sizeUnitList = sizeUnitListWithI

    largestUnit += 'i'

  suffix = "B"
  decimalFormat = "." + str(decimalNum) + "f" # ".1f"
  finalFormat = "%" + decimalFormat + sizeUnitSeperator + "%s%s" # "%.1f%s%s"
  sizeNum = sizeInBytes
  for sizeUnit in sizeUnitList:
      if abs(sizeNum) < 1024.0:
        return finalFormat % (sizeNum, sizeUnit, suffix)
      sizeNum /= 1024.0
  return finalFormat % (sizeNum, largestUnit, suffix)


def testKb():
  kbSize = 3746
  kbStr = formatSize(kbSize)
  print("%s -> %s" % (kbSize, kbStr))

def testI():
  iSize = 87533
  iStr = formatSize(iSize, isUnitWithI=True)
  print("%s -> %s" % (iSize, iStr))

def testSeparator():
  seperatorSize = 98654
  seperatorStr = formatSize(seperatorSize, sizeUnitSeperator=" ")
  print("%s -> %s" % (seperatorSize, seperatorStr))

def testBytes():
  bytesSize = 352
  bytesStr = formatSize(bytesSize)
  print("%s -> %s" % (bytesSize, bytesStr))

def testMb():
  mbSize = 76383285
  mbStr = formatSize(mbSize, decimalNum=2)
  print("%s -> %s" % (mbSize, mbStr))

def testTb():
  tbSize = 763832854988542
  tbStr = formatSize(tbSize, decimalNum=2)
  print("%s -> %s" % (tbSize, tbStr))

def testPb():
  pbSize = 763832854988542665
  pbStr = formatSize(pbSize, decimalNum=4)
  print("%s -> %s" % (pbSize, pbStr))

def demoFormatSize():

  # 3746 -> 3.7KB
  # 87533 -> 85.5KiB
  # 98654 -> 96.3 KB
  # 352 -> 352.0B
  # 76383285 -> 72.84MB
  # 763832854988542 -> 694.70TB
  # 763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB


>>> from hurry.filesize import alternative
>>> size(1, system=alternative)
'1 byte'
>>> size(10, system=alternative)
'10 bytes'
>>> size(1024, system=alternative)
'1 KB'