我已经在我的SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate()中创建了我的表

SQLiteException: no such table


SQLiteException: no such column


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SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate()和onUpgrade()回调在数据库实际打开时被调用,例如通过调用getWritableDatabase()。在创建数据库帮助对象本身时,不会打开数据库。

SQLiteOpenHelper数据库文件的版本。版本号是传递给构造函数的int参数。在数据库文件中,版本号存储在PRAGMA user_version中。




Delete the old database file so that onCreate() is run again. This is often preferred at development time where you have control over the installed versions and data loss is not an issue. Some ways to delete the database file: Uninstall the application. Use the application manager or adb uninstall your.package.name from the shell. Clear application data. Use the application manager. Increment the database version so that onUpgrade() is invoked. This is slightly more complicated as more code is needed. For development time schema upgrades where data loss is not an issue, you can just use execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS <tablename>") in to remove your existing tables and call onCreate() to recreate the database. For released versions, you should implement data migration in onUpgrade() so your users don't lose their data.

onCreate ()

When we create DataBase at a first time (i.e Database is not exists) onCreate() create database with version which is passed in SQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) onCreate() method is creating the tables you’ve defined and executing any other code you’ve written. However, this method will only be called if the SQLite file is missing in your app’s data directory (/data/data/your.apps.classpath/databases). This method will not be called if you’ve changed your code and relaunched in the emulator. If you want onCreate() to run you need to use adb to delete the SQLite database file.


SQLiteOpenHelper应该调用超级构造函数。 onUpgrade()方法只会在版本整数大于应用程序中运行的当前版本时被调用。 如果希望调用onUpgrade()方法,则需要增加代码中的版本号。



android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException:没有这样的列:some_value(代码1 SQLITE_ERROR):,而编译:INSERT INTO table_name(id, name) VALUES(1, some_value)


    INSERT INTO table_name(id, name) VALUES(1, \"some_value\")