在info中设置ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption为NO。plist作品 很好。如果你的应用程序中没有加密内容。
还有Apple Doc。
重点:如果你的应用程序要求你提供额外的文件 为了加密审查,你的应用程序不会有Ready for Sale 在出口符合性审查和批准之前,存储的状态 你的文档。该应用程序不能进行预发布测试 直到出口合规部门审查并批准为止。
如果你的应用没有使用加密,并且你不想在提交时回答这些问题,你可以在你的构建中提供导出遵从性信息。您还可以通过iTunes Connect提供新的或更新的文档,以便在将其上传到iTunes Connect之前接收相应的键字符串值。
要在iTunes Connect中添加导出合规性文档:
Go to the Encryption section under Features. Click the plus sign next to the appropriate platform section. Answer the questions appropriately. Attach the file when prompted. Click Save. Your documents will then be sent for review immediately and the status of your document will show in Compliance Review. A key value will also be generated automatically that you can include in your Info.plist file. For more information on including the key value with your build, see the Resources and Help section Trade Compliance.
Consumer applications piracy and theft prevention for software or music; music, movies, tunes/music, digital photos – players, recorders and organizers games/gaming – devices, runtime software, HDMI and other component interfaces, development tools LCD TV, Blu-ray / DVD, video on demand (VoD), cinema, digital video recorders (DVRs) / personal video recorders (PVRs) – devices, on-line media guides, commercial content integrity and protection, HDMI and other component interfaces (not videoconferencing); printers, copiers, scanners, digital cameras, Internet cameras – including parts and sub-assemblies household utilities and appliances Business / systems applications: systems operations, integration and control. Some examples business process automation (BPA) – process planning and scheduling, supply chain management, inventory and delivery transportation – safety and maintenance, systems monitoring and on-board controllers (including aviation, railway, and commercial automotive systems), ‘smart highway’ technologies, public transit operations and fare collection, etc. industrial, manufacturing or mechanical systems - including robotics, plant safety, utilities, factory and other heavy equipment, facilities systems controllers such as fire alarms and HVAC medical / clinical – including diagnostic applications, patient scheduling, and medical data records confidentiality applied geosciences – mining / drilling, atmospheric sampling / weather monitoring, mapping / surveying, dams / hydrology Research /scientific /analytical. Some examples: business process management (BPM) – business process abstraction and modeling scientific visualization / simulation / co-simulation (excluding such tools for computing, networking, cryptanalysis, etc.) data synthesis tools for social, economic, and political sciences (e.g., economic, population, global climate change, public opinion polling, etc. forecasting and modeling) Secure intellectual property delivery and installation. Some examples software download auto-installers and updaters license key product protection and similar purchase validation software and hardware design IP protection computer aided design (CAD) software and other drafting tools
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode;
using System.IO;
public class AutoIncrement : MonoBehaviour {
public static void ChangeXcodePlist(BuildTarget buildTarget, string pathToBuiltProject)
if (buildTarget == BuildTarget.iOS)
// Get plist
string plistPath = pathToBuiltProject + "/Info.plist";
var plist = new PlistDocument();
// Get root
var rootDict = plist.root;
// Change value of NSCameraUsageDescription in Xcode plist
var buildKey = "NSCameraUsageDescription";
rootDict.SetString(buildKey, "Taking screenshots");
var buildKey2 = "ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption";
rootDict.SetString(buildKey2, "false");
// Write to file
File.WriteAllText(plistPath, plist.WriteToString());
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject)
//A new build has happened so lets increase our version number
// Bump version number in PlayerSettings.bundleVersion
private static void BumpBundleVersion()
float versionFloat;
if (float.TryParse(PlayerSettings.bundleVersion, out versionFloat))
versionFloat += 0.01f;
PlayerSettings.bundleVersion = versionFloat.ToString();
[MenuItem("Leman/Build iOS Development", false, 10)]
public static void CustomBuild()
var levels= new String[] { "Assets\\ShootTheBall\\Scenes\\MainScene.unity" };
"iOS", BuildTarget.iOS, BuildOptions.Development);
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