


以下是我现在认为如何解决它: 与数据并行的是,将保存一个修改日志,其中所有事务都有时间戳。 当客户端连接时,它以合并的形式接收自上次检查以来的所有更改(服务器遍历列表并删除添加的内容,然后再删除,合并每个原子的更新,等等)。 瞧,我们是最新的。




对于delta (change) sync,您可以使用pubsub模式将更改发布回所有订阅的客户端,像pusher这样的服务可以做到这一点。





Synchronize changes. Your change-log (or delta history) approach looks good for this. Clients send their deltas to the server; server consolidates and distributes the deltas to the clients. This is the typical case. Databases call this "transaction replication". Client has lost synchronization. Either through a backup/restore or because of a bug. In this case, the client needs to get the current state from the server without going through the deltas. This is a copy from master to detail, deltas and performance be damned. It's a one-time thing; the client is broken; don't try to optimize this, just implement a reliable copy. Client is suspicious. In this case, you need to compare client against server to determine if the client is up-to-date and needs any deltas.


对于delta (change) sync,您可以使用pubsub模式将更改发布回所有订阅的客户端,像pusher这样的服务可以做到这一点。


您真正需要的是Operational transformation (OT)。这甚至可以在许多情况下迎合冲突。



Data syncing is quite a broad concept and there are way too much to discuss. It covers a range of different approaches with their upsides and downsides. Here is one of the possible classifications based on two perspectives: Synchronous / Asynchronous, Client/Server / Peer-to-Peer. Syncing implementation is severely dependent on these factors, data model complexity, amount of data transferred and stored, and other requirements. So in each particular case the choice should be in favor of the simplest implementation meeting the app requirements.


Syncing of a whole document or database is used in cloud-based applications, such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Yandex.Disk. When the user edits and saves a file, the new file version is uploaded to the cloud completely, overwriting the earlier copy. In case of a conflict, both file versions are saved so that the user can choose which version is more relevant. Syncing of key-value pairs can be used in apps with a simple data structure, where the variables are considered to be atomic, i.e. not divided into logical components. This option is similar to syncing of whole documents, as both the value and the document can be overwritten completely. However, from a user perspective a document is a complex object composed of many parts, but a key-value pair is but a short string or a number. Therefore, in this case we can use a more simple strategy of conflict resolution, considering the value more relevant, if it has been the last to change. Syncing of data structured as a tree or a graph is used in more sophisticated applications where the amount of data is large enough to send the database in its entirety at every update. In this case, conflicts have to be resolved at the level of individual objects, fields or relationships. We are primarily focused on this option.

所以,我们在这篇文章中抓住了我们的知识,我认为这可能对每个对这个主题感兴趣的人都很有用=>基于Core Data的iOS应用程序中的数据同步(http://blog.denivip.ru/index.php/2014/04/data-syncing-in-core-data-based-ios-apps/?lang=en)

The question is not crystal clear, but I'd look into optimistic locking if I were you. It can be implemented with a sequence number that the server returns for each record. When a client tries to save the record back, it will include the sequence number it received from the server. If the sequence number matches what's in the database at the time when the update is received, the update is allowed and the sequence number is incremented. If the sequence numbers don't match, the update is disallowed.