

您还可以使用pgAdmin II中的备份功能。只需遵循以下步骤:

In pgAdmin, right click the table you want to move, select "Backup" Pick the directory for the output file and set Format to "plain" Click the "Dump Options #1" tab, check "Only data" or "only Schema" (depending on what you are doing) Under the Queries section, click "Use Column Inserts" and "User Insert Commands". Click the "Backup" button. This outputs to a .backup file Open this new file using notepad. You will see the insert scripts needed for the table/data. Copy and paste these into the new database sql page in pgAdmin. Run as pgScript - Query->Execute as pgScript F6




pg_dump -h <host ip address> -U <host db user name> -t <host table> > <host database> | psql -h localhost -d <local database> -U <local db user>


pg_dump -t table_to_copy source_db | psql target_db

注意:如果其他数据库已经设置了表,你应该使用-a标志只导入数据,否则你可能会看到奇怪的错误,如“Out of memory”:

pg_dump -a -t table_to_copy source_db | psql target_db

必须使用DbLink将一个表数据复制到不同数据库中的另一个表中。 您必须安装和配置DbLink扩展才能执行跨数据库查询。

我已经在这个话题上创建了详细的帖子。 请访问此链接

以下是对我有效的方法。 第一次转储到一个文件:

pg_dump -h localhost -U myuser -C -t my_table -d first_db>/tmp/table_dump


psql -U myuser -d second_db</tmp/table_dump


假设在两个dbs中有相同的表ddl 你可以从stdout和stdin中破解它,如下所示:

 # grab the list of cols straight from bash

 psql -d "$src_db" -t -c \
 "SELECT column_name 
 FROM information_schema.columns 
 WHERE 1=1 
 AND table_name='"$table_to_copy"'"
 # ^^^ filter autogenerated cols if needed     

 psql -d "$src_db" -c  \
 "copy ( SELECT col_1 , col2 FROM table_to_copy) TO STDOUT" |\
 psql -d "$tgt_db" -c "\copy table_to_copy (col_1 , col2) FROM STDIN"